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A group shot of the partygoers at the Dock to Dock event. Together they hold a large cheque.

Party pics from Dock-to-Dock: Taste of Muskoka

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Let’s go to camp! On Aug. 13, people from across Muskoka converged in a synchronized dock party in support of an important cause that has been beloved by locals, cottagers and campers for more than 60 years: CNIB Lake Joe, a one-of- a-kind camp dedicated to providing uplifting experiences for Canadians with sight loss. This year the camp’s trademark gala, Dock-to-Dock: Taste of Muskoka — hosted by TV personality Joan Kelley Walker and sports broadcaster Rod Black — raised $170,000 to create enhanced watersports programming.


Check out the full article with photos on the Toronto Star's Website.

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