a man reads braille.

Braille and Literacy

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Why Braille = Literacy

This section explains the relevance, usage and importance of braille for people with sight loss and the braille services available for CNIB participants. Learn about our braille services and the importance of braille.
A young girl radiates joy and sits on her front porch stoop alongside her CNIB buddy dog.

CNIB Braille Creative Writing Contest

Since 1997, the CNIB Foundation has organized a Canada-wide Braille Creative Writing Contest for children and youth. This important competition celebrates braille literacy and encourages young people to flex their creative muscles while practicing their braille skills. Learn more about the contest and read some award-winning stories!
Man with sunglasses reading braille

Braille Services and Courses

With over a century of experience through CNIB, CNIB Beyond Print is one of Canada’s oldest and most experienced producers of accessible materials. We braille courses that are suitable for print readers and braille readers who want to learn the rules of braille.