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Perkins Brailler with braille message on paper saying "if you can read this you can read the braille alphabet"

Big Brailler Bounce Initiative

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The Big Brailler Bounce Initiative aims to ensure that any unused Perkins Braillewriters find their way into the hands of a blind child, adult, or senior who can benefit from the ability to write in braille! Since 2015, Braille Literacy Canada has been collecting unused Perkins Braillewriters, refurbishing them, and re-distributing them to those in need at no cost to any of the recipients. Since this initiative began, more than 50 braillers have found themselves new, appreciative homes!

Why is it important to re-home Perkins braillewriters?

Braille Literacy Canada believes strongly that all those who can benefit from braille, should have access to it. For blind children, braille literacy provides them with an understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammatical nuances that would be difficult to attain through audio alone. For adults, braille literacy can enable those experiencing sight loss to continue their enjoyment of leisure reading and increase their independence. Braille can be used to read and write, among other things, phone numbers, household labels and lists. 

The Perkins Braillewriter is the equivalent of a typewriter for the sighted, and an indispensable tool for both the novice and avid braille user. Unfortunately, braillers are expensive, costing upwards of $1,000 each, and many people do not have access to government or other funding to purchase these tools. Students may be provided with one brailler at school, but then do not have access to one at home.

Have a brailler to donate?

If you have an extra Perkins brailler sitting around that you no longer need, consider donating it to the Big Brailler Bounce Initiative! Even if it isn’t in perfect working order, we’ll see if it can be fixed and find it a new home. Write to Braille Literacy Canada for instructions on where and how to send the brailler.

Need a brailler?

If you are a blind or low vision braille reader in Canada (whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran), and having a Perkins braillewriter would be helpful to you, write to Braille Literacy Canada to learn more about how you could receive a brailler through this program!

Call 1-877-861-4576 or write to info@blc-lbc.ca for more information!

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