“I met Joe for the first time at a hotel in London, Ontario. I was nervous that he wouldn’t like me, but we got along great right away. He sniffed me for the first few minutes. I remember wondering if he thought I smelled good or bad. I passed the smell test, so I suppose I smelled trustworthy at the very least! At the start, I thought getting a guide dog would be like having a robot that just listened to whatever I say. It’s not like that at all – Joe is a living, breathing creature. He’s so friendly and he has so much love to give. I can't explain how much Joe has enhanced my life. I feel more independent and spontaneous in the adventures my family can have. Now I can walk around at night, whereas I couldn’t really do that before. When walking with my daughter, Abigail, we’re safe and much more comfortable when Joe tags along. It’s hard to believe, but I think Joe has enhanced Abigail’s life more than mine. They’re best buddies and follow each other everywhere. When she’s in her playpen, she will call out to Joe. He’s so tall that when he walks over and sits next to the playpen, his head hovers over the top of it. Abigail will pet him non-stop. The whole experience of bringing Joe home has been exceptional. I’m very glad that Abigail and I get to grow alongside Joe, and that we welcomed him into our family with open arms. The relationship all of us have with him is so great, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I never knew the emotions that went into building that initial relationship with a guide dog. It’s hard work, but it’s definitely worth it. I can’t wait to have many more adventures with Abigail and Joe; I say this as Joe is snoring behind me!”