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White Cane Awareness Project
CNIB is advocating to build awareness with Canadians about the white cane and how it is used, what it signifies, and how to effectively assist when requested by someone who is blind or partially sighted.

About the White Cane
There are different types of white canes used by Canadians who are blind or partially sighted. Learn more about what they are and how they are used.

White Cane Advocacy Resources
Today there is still stigma and misunderstanding about what the white cane means. We have created education and awareness resources that provide practical information and tips.

White Cane Legislation
Due to the tireless advocacy of people who are blind or partially sighted over the years, most provinces have formally recognized the cane as a symbol of sight loss. Learn more about the legislation where you live.

My White Cane, My Journey
Sight loss does not discriminate and affects a diverse range of people from all walks of life. We spoke to people who use the cane across Canada and asked them to tell us about their experiences learning to use the white cane, how it is a life changing tool for them, and what they want the public to know.