"Having Edie as a part of my life during three unprecedented moments – pandemic, wedding and pregnancy/first child – has been amazing and sorrowful. She's seen me laugh, cry, happy, sad, and stressed. She was there when we had to postpone our "big" wedding and limit the number of guests, but she was also there when I got married, which was the best day of my life despite everything happening. My mother found some fake flowers at the dollar store that we wrapped around her harness to make her look "dressed up" for the wedding – she looked adorable! When I found out I was pregnant with our first child, Edie kept me active during the first trimester when I had horrible morning sickness. This allowed me to keep in shape, instead of sleeping on the couch all the time. Near the end of my pregnancy, I remember a specific moment when I had to walk up the two flights of stairs at our condo after taking her out for a walk. I got halfway up the stairs, felt tired and sat down for a break. Edie came up beside me and put her head under my arm and almost physically picked me up. I remember thinking that she was saying to me, ‘It's okay…I'm here, and I'll help you up,’ and we made it up the rest of the stairs. It was such a nice feeling to know she was there; she knew I was tired and wanted to be just as helpful as she is when the harness is on. That was a great moment between us – one I’ll never forget. Since having my son, Edie is still her bubbly self, but she's extended that love to Orion. Every time I nurse him, she lies at my feet and waits for him to be done. When we get home from a car ride and I set the car seat down in the living room, she lays right in front of the car seat as if she's keeping an eye on him and protecting him. She is a little jealous at times as she often mistakes our baby talk for doggy talk and wants to play, but this won't last forever. I'm sure she'll be running after him as he runs after her soon enough. I'm looking forward to the next few years with her, seeing her grow with my son and having fun together. The pandemic will have been a part of my life for a few years, but Edie will be a part of my life for many years. I can't wait to have her grow with our family. If my husband and I can get married and have a child in a pandemic and still like each other, our marriage is set for life!" - Christine
Photo taken by Laura Lo Photography