The Come to Work program was designed to help connect job seekers with sight loss with employers who want to discover the full potential of Canada’s talent, but it also helps people find their voice. It creates a space for someone to develop their confidence to advocate for themselves and say, “Hey, I am just as capable as anyone else for this job.”

While participating in Come to Work sessions, Amy Verwoerd, 20, found her voice.
From the time she was born, Amy has lived with homonymous hemianopsia – a condition that causes blindness in the left side of each eye. As a result, she was introduced to the CNIB Foundation at a young age, but she didn't participate in the programs until recently.
“It wasn’t until two years ago that I really started getting involved with the CNIB Foundation,” explains Amy. “I realized that my condition was something I wanted to come to terms with, and I wanted to meet others with sight loss.”
While volunteering at the local CNIB office in Vancouver, BC, Amy learned about the Come to Work program and decided to give it a shot. Since then, she has attended several virtual workshops led by mentors and instructors from across Canada.
“The programs offered through the Come To Work program are great resources for the job seeker to build their skills to be job ready,” says Amy. “It’s also a great opportunity to meet other people with sight loss who are seeking employment and hear their stories.”
Amy was matched with a mentor in the program who helped her set goals and determine what she wanted to achieve in her career.
“In college, I realized a big passion of mine is advocating to make the world and communities a better place for people with sight loss,” explains Amy. “I want to make an impact on the world, and I want to do it with the CNIB Foundation.”
“We are just as qualified as others,” says Amy. “Sight loss does not limit our ability to be amazing employees.”
The CNIB Foundation’s Come to Work program introduces employers to an innovative talent pool of Canadians who are blind or partially sighted and provides job seekers with work experience. Business and community leaders across the country are volunteering their time to mentor individuals with sight loss who are starting or changing their careers.
To find out more information about how you can help us create a Canada where everyone can come to work, visit: