Congratulations to Jim Maher, the 2020 recipient of The Arthur Napier Magill Distinguished Service Award, CNIB's highest public honour!
Presented annually, The Arthur Napier Magill Distinguished Service Award was established in 1976 as a tribute to Arthur Napier Magill, who devoted his lengthy career to improving the lives of Canadians with sight loss.
A CNIB volunteer for over 20 years, Jim Maher has served on countless boards and committees. As Chair of the Newfoundland and Labrador Division Advisory Board, his work put CNIB on the path to government funding for Vision Loss Rehabilitation Newfoundland and Labrador. Jim joined CNIB’s National Board in 2014 and as the Chair of the Governance Committee, he worked towards the implementation of CNIB's Bold Dreams Bright Futures strategic plan.
"I'm truly humbled to have received The Arthur Napier Magill award," says Jim. "I've been very fortunate to have had a front row seat for some significant developments for blind and partially sighted people in Canada. And I've met so many incredible people along the way. Volunteers, management and staff – we are so fortunate to have people with talent, boundless energy, and passion supporting our cause. I'm a better person for having known them and having the opportunity to work and learn from them."
Jim has dedicated his life in service to Canadians who are blind or partially sighted and is the perfect example of what it means to be a selfless volunteer. His contributions to his community have been incredibly impactful and will continue to be for generations to come.
"Maya Angelou said: "I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back," says Jim. I happily accept this award for myself and for all volunteers with CNIB who have taken off their catcher's mitts. Thank you very much."
Congratulations, Jim, from all your friends and colleagues.