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The closing of a presentation: Three women and two men stand around a table. A man and woman shake hands.

Partners and Opportunities

Our partners are committed to engaging talent with different perspectives to create a culture of collaboration and innovation.
A large group of 50+ CNIB staff hold up yellow branded umbrellas on the shores of CNIB Lake Joe.

CNIB Operations Management Team

CNIB's Operations Management Team is passionate about changing what it is to be blind today. Meet the leaders driving CNIB's work.
A cool teenager stands outside her house with her white cane in hand. She has pink hair and is wearing a leather jacket.

Meet the Contest Winners

The power of literacy at your fingertips! The CNIB Braille Creative Writing Contest celebrates braille literacy and encourages young people to flex their creative muscles while practicing their braille skills. Meet the winners of each contest category!
A hand holds an iPhone to a woman's ear.

Listen with VoiceOver Series

Discover VoiceOver, a feature built into your iPhone or iPad that lets you listen to instead of read text on the screen. Learn to navigate through and use all the tools and apps on your device by listening and tapping on the screen in the series of workshops.
Humans with CNIB Guide Dogs

Humans with CNIB Guide Dogs

Humans with CNIB Guide Dogs is a special look into the relationship between a guide dog and their handler. Inspired by the popular Humans of New York series, each story is told through a personal lens that’s unique to the handler’s lived experiences. Come and meet the extraordinary people whose lives have been changed by CNIB Guide Dogs.
In Guatemala, a young girl crouches down next to a girl in a wheelchair. They have their arms around one another.

CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award

The CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award recognizes and celebrates youth who are blind are partially sighted that are reaching above and beyond to make a difference in their community, province, or country.
A black guide dog and its handler enter a building.

Guide dog access to public places and services

CNIB Guide Dogs is committed to advocating with guide dog users to increase public awareness and breakdown of physical and attitudinal barriers. To aid in this, we have created a series of Tip Sheets.
A volunteer puppy raiser sits beside a Golden Retriver puppy at a professional photoshoot.

Volunteer with CNIB Guide Dogs

Do you love dogs? Could you see yourself welcoming a future guide dog puppy into your life? Do you have time during your day to introduce a pup to the world around them and help them take their first steps toward becoming a future guide dog? CNIB Guide Dogs is growing our team of volunteer Puppy Raisers and Boarders.
Know Your Rights logo. An illustration of a megaphone outlined in a black paintbrush style design. A dash of yellow colouring appears on the top portion of the megaphone. Text: CNIB Know Your Rights Ontario.

Employment Handbook – Ontario

Know your legal rights related to employment.
Mme Sylvain tient son téléphone.

Recevoir un iPhone : briser l'isolement et gagner de l'autonomie

Lors de sa soirée VIP TechnoVision, la Fondation INCA a remis à Mme Sylain un iPhone pour lui permettre de faciliter ses activités quotidiennes. Quelques semaines à peine après l'avoir reçu, son nouveau téléphone lui permet d'écrire des messages et des textes beaucoup plus facilement, de s'informer sur les conditions météorologiques, de faire sa liste d'épicerie et surtout de communiquer avec son entourage. Avant, elle se sentait plus isolée, surtout qu'elle vit dans une région éloignée.