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Ontario South (Greater Toronto)

Who We Serve
At CNIB, we are committed to empowering Canadians who are blind, Deafblind, or who have low vision to live the lives they choose. Each year, we connect with individuals from all age groups and regions of the country, providing programs and services that cater to their unique needs. The following information gives an overview of who we reached during the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Our Impact
From children and youth programs to employment workshops, recreational activities, peer support groups and technology training sessions, our innovative programs are designed to educate, engage, and support our participants across all areas of their lives.

The Way Forward
Built on the direction and feedback of people who are blind, partially sighted, or Deafblind across Canada, The Way Forward is CNIB’s five-year strategic plan, which we believe will create lasting change for our community nationwide.

CNIB Legal Support
Through the largest consultation process in CNIB’s history, we heard directly from people impacted by blindness across Canada that they wanted CNIB to provide more support in instances where their human rights are infringed upon. In response to their feedback and to help provide greater access to justice, we are now offering legal support (referral services and litigation funding) to Canadians who encounter legal issues they may require support with as part of the CNIB Advocacy program.

Connecting the Dots 2022 – Calgary Swag Bag
Here you'll find more information about the items included in your swag bag.

Connecting the Dots 2022 – Toronto Swag Bag
Here you'll find more information about the items included in your swag bag.

Connecting the Dots Toronto – Wayfinding Information
Our O&M colleagues at Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada have put together wayfinding information for those who are navigating from Union Station.

Angela Bonfanti, President and CEO
Since joining the CNIB team in 2011, Angela Bonfanti has been a driving force behind many of our organization’s most transformational achievements for Canada’s community of people impacted by blindness, and a vocal advocate for accessibility and inclusivity for all people living with disabilities.

CNIB Catch The Ace: Winning numbers and prize amounts
The winning numbers and prize amounts historical for Catch the Ace are here.

CNIB Catch The Ace: Winning numbers and prize amounts
The winning numbers and prize amounts historical for Catch the Ace are here.

Connecting the Dots 2022 – Experience Box
As one of the first 50 people to register for CNIB’s 2022 Connecting the Dots conference, you are receiving this exclusive experience box.

What's a virtual booth?
A virtual booth is the digital space for exhibitor to reach attendees. The booths feature the exhibitor logo, link to their website, descriptions of their products and services, and a virtual chat room with the opportunity for visitors to connect one-on-one with the exhibitors.

Connecting the Dots – Networking Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – Venue Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – Employment Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – Technology Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – Education Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – National Media Partner
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

Connecting the Dots – National Sponsor
Showcase your commitment to championing accessibility as an industry leader. Connecting the Dots is the ideal venue to demonstrate your achievements in accessibility and inclusion, and ensure attendees and influencers receive up-to-date information on your products and services.

The Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship
The Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship encourages and supports theoretical and practical research and studies at the doctoral level in the field of vision loss in Canada.

Turned Eyes (Strabismus)
Strabismus is the medical term for misalignment of the eyes two eyes that are not straight. It occurs in at least 5% of the population.

Lazy Eye - Amblyopia
Amblyopia ('lazy eye') happens when the vision in one eye doesn't develop properly in early childhood.

Floaters and Flashing Lights
Floaters are dark specks in the form of dots, circles, lines, or cobwebs that seem to move across your field of vision. They are most noticeable when you are looking at a light-coloured background, such as a clear sky or a white wall.

Check Your Vision: the Amsler Grid
This simple screening tool is used for monitoring for early signs of wet AMD.

Learn about cutting-edge wearable devices that enhance accessibility at home, school, work and in the community.

Braille Transcription Services
The CNIB Brailleroom can braille just about anything for you!
Cortical Visual Impairment
Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is sight loss caused by neurological damage. Learn more about CVI.

CNIB Century of Change Award
Recognizing the leaders, volunteers, funders, community partners, advocates and champions who have worked with CNIB to change what it is to be blind.

Learn about screen magnifiers, which enlarge and enhance text for people with low vision.

Screen Readers
Learn about screen readers, software that enables people with sight loss to use computers.

First Aid for Injuries
Getting the right treatment fast can help prevent sight loss. Learn more about first aid for eye injuries.

Eye Safety
It’s not just workplace injuries that case eye injuries. In fact, more than two thirds occur outside of a work setting. Learn more about eye safety.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of sight loss among Canadians over 50. Learn more about AMD.

Your CNIB card gives you benefits like discounts and services from governments, businesses, and community partners.
Workplace Accommodations
Creating an accessible workplace is easy and will have a positive impact on your entire workforce. Learn how technology can help you accommodate blind or partially sighted employees.

Be Natural! 4 Common Courtesies to Offer People Who Are Blind
Be Natural! 4 Common Courtesies to Offer People Who Are Blind
Blindness Myths and Facts
There are many misconceptions about blindness and people who are blind. Learn more about blindness myths and facts.
Blindness in Canada
Sight loss affects people from coast to coast. Learn more about blindness in Canada.

What is Blindness?
Blindness is a spectrum, with different levels of sight loss. Learn more about blindness.

Congenital Eye Conditions
Congenital eye conditions are present at birth and can affect your eyes or sight. Learn more about congenital eye conditions.

Retinal Diseases
Retinal diseases are a group of eye conditions that affect the retina. Learn more about retinal diseases.

Refractive Conditions
Refractive condition can result in blurred vision and are very common. Learn more about refractive conditions.
Retinoblastoma, while rare, is the most common form of cancer affecting the eye in children. Learn more about retinoblastoma.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a group of diseases which tend to run in families and cause slow, but progressive loss of vision. Learn more about RP.

Cataracts are the most common correctible cause of vision loss among Canadians. Learn more about cataracts.

Glaucoma is the second most common cause of sight loss in seniors in Canada. Learn more about glaucoma.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy, an eye condition caused by diabetes, is the leading cause of blindness in Canadians under 50. Learn more about diabetic retinopathy.

Creating an Inclusive Workplace
The next step after hiring someone who is blind is making them feel comfortable and included in the workplace. It’s easy. All it takes is a little flexibility and consideration.

Hiring Someone with Sight Loss
The biggest misconception about hiring a candidate who is blind or partially is that the process will be difficult or expensive. The truth is, it's neither. Learn how you can hire someone with sight loss.

Chanchlani Global Vision Research Award
Recognizing international achievement in the area of vision science or rehabilitation research.
Winston Gordon Award of Excellence in Accessible Technology
Recognizing significant technological innovations for people who are blind or partially sighted.

Ontario legal support and resources
We advocate on the premise that everyone should be able to participate in all aspects of society without discrimination. Learn more about legislation and standards that protect your rights.

Dr. Dayton M. Forman Memorial Award
Recognizing outstanding leadership in the advancement of library and information services for Canadians with sight loss.

Arthur Napier Magill Distinguished Service Award
Honouring an outstanding CNIB volunteer for enhancing the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted.

Growing Up with Holly
Since she was a little girl, Holly has been a part of the CNIB Foundation family.

CNIB Honour Roll
Recognizing exceptional people who’ve given time, expertise and enthusiasm to CNIB since 1918.

LOBBY Seated Dance Fitness
A social group for those who want to keep connect after Seated Dance Fitness has ended. We invite participants to stay and socialize with each other. You can talk about the session, get to know one and other and socialize with the community across Canada.

Story Corner
Sit back and enjoy several stories from the well-known Chicken Soup books! A volunteer will be reading a selection of interesting and enjoyable short stories. First Monday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is a good option for anyone with injuries or with mobility issues. You will need comfortable clothing and a sturdy chair without arms or armrests for this class. Techniques include breath work, gentle movement with repetition, postures, sitting meditation and relaxation. No experience required. Chair Yoga meets every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Virtual Coffee Group
Join us every Friday for a virtual meet up in the prairies with a friendly bunch of people looking to connect with others across the country! Make new connections and find friendships and enjoyable conversation. The focus is on a positive, inclusive, and safe support network of people who have experienced sight loss. Everyone is welcome. Virtual Coffee Group meets every Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Central Time on Zoom.

Western Social Meet Up
Join us for our weekly social meet up group. We’ll get to know each other, share some good news stories, and socialize. Every Thursday from 10 to 11 a.m. Mountain Time on Zoom.

Old Time Radio – A blast from the past!
Join host Kelly MacDonald as he shares a blast from the past! Listen to all the old radio shows that made the genre so popular. Everything from mystery, comedy, westerns and holiday specific shows. Sit back and enjoy! First and third Sunday of every month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Tech Talk Tuesday
Join hosts Kevin and Brian for the widely popular – Tech Talk Tuesday. In these hour-long, weekly Zoom sessions we will discuss accessible technology as well as its practical application in everyday life. You don’t need to know a lot about technology: you can just listen if you like. The group consists of beginners as well as advanced users of accessible technology. All questions and ideas are welcomed. Every Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

Read Aloud to Me: Stories for Children
Children of all ages across the country are welcome to participate in our live reading series Read Aloud to Me. Join us every Wednesday as experienced volunteers give life to picture books, chapter books and short stories. While stories chosen are geared to participants between the ages of 7 to 12, anyone who would enjoy listening is welcome. Every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Zoom Room for Kids
The Zoom Room for Kids is turning into a Fairy Tale Factory! Join Teaching Artist and Oboist, Joey Salvalaggio on an exploration of the world tradition of fairy tales and nursery rhymes and how they are represented in music. From the familiar to the obscure, from Jack in the Beanstalk to Baba Yaga, these sessions take you on a journey around the world, exploring different cultures and music. But a visit from Mr. Joey wouldn't be complete without creating our own brand new fairy tale classic that will endure for years to come. Every Wednesday from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Music Social
The music social is a themed radio-style night of music appreciation, where participants give song requests to the hosts and we listen to music, chat, and answer trivia questions together! Join us for a night of music, fun, and games! Music Social meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

I Can…Club
Join the club that believes the word “can’t“ is not allowed! The “I Can… Club“ is focused on building the attitudes and skills that lead us to think about all that is possible.

Accessible Yoga
Accessible yoga for most skill levels from the comfort of your home. Check out accessible yoga if you are looking for a classic yoga class with descriptive prompts. Designed for people with vision loss, the instructor will verbally walk you through all the poses and movements. Please bring a yoga mat, a bottle of water, and your breath! Accessible Yoga meets every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Tuesday Zoom Coffee and Chat
The informal coffee chat group is a chance to socialize and meet new people. It is a very warm and welcoming group of regulars and newcomers. Every Tuesday from 10 to 11 a.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

Tech Drop-In
Are you having challenges with using your technology or do you simply have questions about something new? Join this discussion group with others with sight loss where we share ideas and experiences that might be helpful. Many heads are better than one! First and third Tuesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Music for Kids – Tuesday Session
Music Therapist Erin Koop hosts weekly sessions on Zoom for children and youth participants across the country. These interactive sessions are filled with songs, stories, and more! Get ready to make some music! This group runs on Zoom, every Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. Pacific Time.

Music and Friends
Come together to discuss different types of music you have to listen to. Depending on if you are getting started for the day or if you are looking to boost your spirit, talk about what song helps you during these times and learn about songs that help your peers! First Wednesday of every month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

The Bookends Book Club
If you love books, this group is for you! This group features guest authors as well as weeks where a different genre or theme are picked. People read their choice of book on the theme and come ready to discuss. It's a great way to build your reading list and learn about what others are reading and the technology they use to access their books. Every Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba Indigenous Peer Support Group
This program is designed for blind or partially sighted indigenous individuals who are wanting to connect with others who are experiencing similar circumstances in a safe and comfortable setting. Participants will have the opportunity to help choose various topics this group would like to discuss each session as well as have the option to share ideas, suggestions, stories, worries, etc. with the group. This Saskatchewan and Manitoba Indigenous Peer Support Group meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. CST on Zoom.

Gentle Yoga
This class is designed for all level yogis. Relaxed pace to release anxiety and calm the body. Students will be guided into meditation, breathing techniques, yoga poses and relaxation. Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket, a big towel and an open mind to learn something new! Gentle Yoga runs every Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Coffee Time
This is a virtual group that gets together every Thursday morning for a general group conversation. There is no planned topic of conversation but it is kept positive and light! Every Thursday from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

Thursday Games
Everyone loves games. This games group meets to socialize playing 2 to 3 different lively word games for the hour. Sessions are led by our own professional game hosts (aka CNIB staff and volunteers). We embrace a safe fun time to exercise your mind. Every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Tween Zoom Hangout
Join us to play games, chat, and make new friends. Please note that this program is for individuals between 10-14 years of age. Every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Let's Get Gardening
If you have a green thumb (or you'd like to have one), then this gardening discussion group is for you! We swap success stories, talk about our favorite plants, and generally 'dish the dirt' on all things horticultural. For all levels of garden enthusiasts. Whether you patio or container garden, or have lots of gardening space, the time in this group will just buzz by. Every Monday from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Music for Kids – Monday Session
Music Therapist Erin Koop hosts weekly sessions on Zoom for children and youth participants across the country. These interactive sessions are filled with songs, stories, and more! Get ready to make some music! This group runs on Zoom, every Monday from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

Eastern Canada Social Meet Up
Are you craving that social interaction you normally get from going for coffee with friends ? We are here to keep the virtual conversation going post pandemic! Since we've gotten to know each other, lets stay connected and share some good news stories, discuss practical tips and successes with others living with vision loss. Every Tuesday from 10 to 11 a.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Wireless Wednesday
Are you new to assistive technology? Want to get more out of your smart device or computer? This Zoom workshop is a 2 for 1! The first hour is devoted to structured learning – focusing on basics and beginner topics. Later on, we'll have a volunteer-led, tech-focused Q&A discussion group dealing with a wide range of questions. Come prepared to swap tips and tricks, share about your favorite apps, help one another and strengthen your own skills in the process. Join us while we figure it out – together! This technology group is hosted on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. Pacific Time.

Designed for knitters/advanced knitters to work on projects, learn from peers, and enjoy knitting fellowship. Every Friday from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Tech it Out
Hosted by Steve MacInnes, Tech It Out is a monthly series that demos accessible and mainstream tech. Third Tuesday of every month from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

Pride Connection
Intended for adults who are blind or partially sighted and are members of the LGBTQ2S+ community. Participants from across the country meet monthly to share experiences, listen to guest speakers, and discuss topics chosen by the group. Third Wednesday of every month from 12 to 1 p.m. Eastern Time.

Beyond Sight Series
The Beyond Sight Series feature monthly virtual presentations from various services, businesses and organizations in our community. Each month, we will offer a different topic and speaker will join us to discuss a variety of topics. Examples include: RDSP’s, wills, budgeting, nutrition and lots more. Fourth Monday of every month from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

Cooking with Linda
Come and join Linda monthly to prepare different dishes you can eat yourself or share with family and friends. For a truly interactive experience, Linda welcomes you to cook and bake along with her in the comfort of your own kitchen! With an ILS often in attendance, bring along your questions as you might just learn a new trick to help you out. Fourth Tuesday of every month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Come together once a month for a trivia night! There will be a variety of different trivia games played. Fourth Tuesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom

CNIB Photography Club
Love photography? Whether you're a pro with your camera or just learning to use the photo app on your smartphone, our club is the perfect place for you. We're all about discovering creative ways to capture moments as photographers who are blind or have low vision. Together, we'll teach and share tips, tricks, and techniques to make the most of our devices and inspire each other with the photos we take. Third Wednesday of every month from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

CNIB SmartLife: Android Accessibility Series (Evening)
Want to get the most out of your android device? Smart devices utilizing the android operating system are becoming more and more accessible, with supports such as screen enhancements, magnification and screen reading to name a few! CNIB SmartLife is hosting a series where we show you what you can do with your device and customize it for your unique needs. We’ll explain what the different parts of smartphone or tablet do, introduce you to the interface, showcase accessibility features to empower you, and teach you about Google assistant, your voice-controlled helper! Each week, we’ll take on a different topic.

Bible Study Group
Make new friends, or deepen existing friendships, find support from your peers, and develop more theological insight about biblical understanding. The Bible Study group meets every Thursday (September to June) from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Central Time on Zoom.

Community Voices
CNIB Learning Academy invites youth who are blind or have low vision, parents, and educators to join us for Community Voices, an opportunity to learn from adults living with blindness. Each month we will hear from a different guest speaker living with blindness who will share their lived experience in high school, post-secondary education, building a career, and social aspects of sight loss. Following the presentations, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. Last Thursday of each month from 5 to 7 p.m. Eastern on Zoom.

Scribes and Sorcerers Youth Fantasy Book Club
Youth ages 10 to 16 who enjoy reading from the wealth of fantasy authors, past and present who have entertained us with tales of wizards, warriors, magic, and mystery are encouraged to join this monthly group. First Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom

Youth Job Club
Start your journey seeking a part-time or summer job with CNIB Learning Academy’s Youth Job Club! There is no time like the present to begin your work experiences. Having a part-time or summer job will put some money in your pocket, and you give valuable skills that employers are looking for. Facilitated by staff with sight loss, this program will help participants prepare for their first summer or part-time job Virtual sessions are hosted biweekly on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Curiosity Club – Virtual
If you have a lively mind, learning is something you never stop doing. History, geography, science, travel, social trends, there’s no end to what we can know. Expand your horizons in a welcoming, inclusive environment. Presenters will offer a range of content, and invite lively conversation. Second Tuesday of every month from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Intro to Assistive Technology Info Session
Like it or not, technology is becoming a big part of modern life. Nowadays, people rely on computers and smartphones for work, school, entertainment and connection. For people with vision loss, assistive technology offers all of this as well as increased confidence and independence. Join us over Zoom for Intro to Assistive Technology - find out what is possible and how we at CNIB can help you harness the power of assistive technology. This group meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.

The CNIB KnitWits are a group of people who meet biweekly to discuss and share knitting related topics. We share patterns, chat about life in general, and support each other with tips and tricks to enhance our knitting and life skills with vision loss. Biweekly on Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network
Advocacy is a powerful tool to dismantle systemic barriers, challenge discrimination and create change by raising awareness, influencing policies, and mobilizing community members to get involved. But finding your voice and learning how to become an advocate can sometimes feel intimidating or overwhelming. CNIB’s new advocacy peer mentorship program, CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network, aims to change that. Discover the tools and techniques you need to channel your frustrations and concerns into constructive advocacy efforts by enrolling in the CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network!

VocalEye Almost Live Zoom events
VocalEye is the first dedicated live description service for blind and partially sighted people in Canada. Since its inception, VocalEye has described over 300 live events including theatre performances, dance, opera, parades, fireworks and public art tours for people who are blind and partially sighted. VocalEye Almost Live Zoom events are hosted by members of the blind community with special guest artists most Wednesday evenings.

I Can...But How?
This youth peer group is a new, exciting, solutions-focused nationwide meetup. The program is open to youth (Grades 8-12) who are interested in a fun, positive and productive group that can help tackle everyday questions and problems that you may face on your vision loss journey. As a group we will turn every "I can't" into an "I can!" First Thursday of every month from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Zoom.

Spot the Win CNIB Bingo
Join the fun with Spot the Win: CNIB Bingo! Get ready to test your luck and strategy in this unique twist on a classic game! Third Thursday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m. on Zoom.

Braille Quest – a fun braille literacy program!
Braille Quest – a fun braille literacy program (with prizes!) Use your braille skills at home or school to complete fun challenges including crafts and creative writing! Do a few Braille Quest activities, or do them all! Do as many activities as you like from January 15 – March 15, 2025.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Lake Joe Choir
Lift your voice and connect with others through the joy of singing. Join our vibrant online choir community on Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Audiobook Alley
If you like being read to or listening to audiobooks, then this program is for you! Each week, we will be listening to multiple chapters of a community-selected, family-friendly audiobook and chat about it! Join us Fridays from noon to 1 p.m. Eastern Time.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Coffee Break
Join us for conversation, laughter, and a chance to reminisce about your favourite CNIB Lake Joe memories. Pour yourself a coffee, tea, or beverage of choice, login and connect with your friends from Lake Joe. Coffee Break meets every Tuesday from 9 to 10 a.m. Eastern Time. Zoom information will be provided after registering.

The Flip Side
The Flip Side is a virtual group where participants experiencing vision loss can meet other members of the community and hear directly from them about their accomplishments and the barriers they have overcome in order to make those accomplishments. The Flip Side meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Afternoon Games
Book some time to play today! Join us on Wednesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Zoom information will be provided after registering.

Wellness Wednesdays
Join us for "Wellness Wednesdays" where we'll discuss a variety of topics focused on wellness. Presentations will be presented by the Canadian Mental Health Association of NB. Sessions are delivered virtually over Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Atlantic Time.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Campfire
Join us every Wednesday evening for a cozy night of campfire-themed songs, stories and activities. There will also be an opportunity to showcase your musical talent so be ready to perform your favorite camp songs!

Algoma Vision Support Network
A peer support group for people who are blind or partially sighted to learn from and connect with others who are managing sight loss and share strategies, tips, and local resources in a welcoming and understanding environment. This group aims to foster connection, mutual support, and empowerment through shared experiences and knowledge. Second Thursday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. on Zoom or telephone.

A call-in social group. Each session will have a topic of discussion. This program is designed for participants 19+. Biweekly on Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.

Let's Talk Cooking – Winter Session
Love cooking or would love to know more about cooking? Join this group to share ideas, tips, tricks and the joy of cooking and baking! Every Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome Group
This group is specifically for those who are experiencing symptoms/have had a diagnosis of CBS. Participants meet monthly for this conversational support group. Third Wednesday of every month from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Astronomy Club
Discover the Wonders of Space! Are you curious about the mysteries of space? Join fellow space enthusiasts for an exciting journey through the universe! Once a month, we’ll dive into a fascinating astronomical topic through engaging and interactive discussions. No prior knowledge of astronomy is required—just bring your curiosity! Third Wednesday of every month (for six sessions) from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

SCORE Scholars (grades 11, 12 & first year of post-secondary)
Put down the textbooks and join CNIB this summer for this unique all-expenses-paid opportunity! This transformational experience will provide you with an edge in your academic and job-seeking goals. Discover and explore your potential through educational and empowering activities while connecting with like-minded peers. SCORE Scholars programming helps participants build essential leadership, independence, pre-employment, and social skills. We’ll explore the city of Toronto by visiting restaurants and local attractions.Accommodations and programming will take place at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus from July 19 – August 2, 2025. Application deadline is April 14, 2025.

Guide Dog Handlers Chat Group
This is a safe and supportive place for guide dog handlers from across the country to get together and chat. Share the joys and challenges of being a guide dog handler as well as tips to keep our guide dogs happy and engaged. Biweekly on Wednesday from 5 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Talent Show
Who's got talent? You do! Join us on alternating Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. Eastern Time to perform (if you wish) and/or enjoy the talents of fellow attendees.

Youth Employment Empowerment Series
Join CNIB Alberta’s Children and Youth & Come to Work departments for the new Youth Employment Empowerment Series! Learn about all aspects of employment over this 5-part interactive workshop series, like: self-advocacy, accommodations, the application process, resume building, and much more!

CNIB SmartLife: February Android Accessibility Series
Do you want to make the most of your Android smartphone or tablet? Android devices are easier to use than ever, with features like screen magnification, screen readers, and other tools to assist you. Join CNIB SmartLife for a series of sessions where we’ll show you how to use your device and make it work for your needs. You’ll learn about the basic parts of your smartphone or tablet, how to navigate the interface, and how to use accessibility tools to make your experience better. We’ll also introduce you to Google Assistant and Google Gemini, your voice-activated and AI-powered helpers. The February Android Accessibility Series meets every Thursday in February from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Seated Dance Fitness Zoom
Adaptive Dance instructor, Tiffany Tjosvold, will be leading a Zoom-based, high energy, seated dance class for participants ages 19+. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Reading Room
Sit back and relax in our virtual reading room and let the CNIB Lake Joe team share articles and stories of interest. Reading Room meets on the first Friday of every month from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Zoom information will be provided after registering.

CNIB SmartLife: Tech Hotline (February)
We’re running a special hotline to offer expert help for all your tech issues! When we say all, we mean it: we’ll offer assistance for whatever you have, whether it’s that braille display you bought from SmartLife or the phone you got at the mall. If we can’t figure things out, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can. The hotline is first-come, first-serve, and we’ll keep each conversation private. The Tech Hotline is available every Friday in February from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

CNIB Mobile Hub: Ajax, Ontario
The CNIB Mobile Hub visits Ajax on Monday, February 10 at the Ajax Public Library – Rotary Room A (55 Harwood Ave. S, Ajax) from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

I Can...Run (In-Person and Virtual)
Run, walk or hike! Take on the "I Can...." run challenge in 2025! Led by Ryan Van Praet, an Ironman Triathlete and endurance athlete, and Jenn Flemke, Triathlon Ontario Coach of the Year in 2024, this program will be a virtual "learn-to-run" style program. Grab a pair of running shoes, convince a friend to join you or even learn to guide you! The I Can...Run 10-week challenge begins February 10 and ends April 19, 2025.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Drama Club
Get in on the act with CNIB Lake Joe's virtual Drama Club! This program allows you to explore the arts and let your creative side shine through drama and improv activities. Join us on alternating Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Tech it Out: Using Your Phone Like a Computer
During CNIB Nova Scotia’s Tech It Outs, you’ll hear from Steve and David, who will capture your imagination with the possibilities of what tech can do for you. With their humour, personal insights, and engaging style, Steve and David will discuss how you can use your phone like a desktop computer. There is literally an app for just about everything! Tech it Out meets on Tuesday, February 18 from 2 to 3 p.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

CNIB SmartLife: Digital Treasure Chest, Mastering Facebook Messenger To Stay In Touch (Daytime)
Facebook Messenger is an excellent way to connect with people, whether they are coworkers, alumni, or family living on the other side of the world. By simply adding their Facebook profile, there is no need for a phone number, offering a secure and private way to stay in touch through the Facebook Messenger app. You can chat with Meta AI to craft a poem, send a mini animated card using the new Imagine AI tool, and enjoy audio or video calling with the convenience of Meta Ray-Bans. Wednesday, February 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Atlantic Guide Dog Group – February Meeting
Join us to share tips on dog care, discuss guide dog access and awareness, enjoy occasional guest speakers, or just have a friendly chat. Whatever's on your mind, we're here for it! Atlantic Guide Dog Group meets on Thursday, February 20 from 6 to 7 p.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

Ontario Regional Braille Challenge 2025
The Braille Institute's Braille Challenge is the only academic competition of its kind in North America for students who are blind or partially sighted. Contestants compete in regional preliminary Braille Challenge events from January through March, and the top 50 students (10 in each category) with the highest scores are then invited to compete in the finals. The Ontario Regional Braille Challenge motto is: TEST WITHOUT STRESS – Keep Calm, Braille On, and have fun!

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: The Campfire
In February we will be talking about the campfire pit at CNIB Lake Joe! A special place where many friendships are formed, we're going to focus on new accessibility features that will make sing-alongs and indulging in s'mores even more fun. Whether you're new to Lake Joe or a seasoned camper, join us for videos, special guests, and updates Monday, February 24th, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

CNIB SmartLife: WhatsApp for Deafblind Users
WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular ways to communicate. You can use it for text messages, audio calls, and video chats. It’s completely free, and all you need is a smartphone, a mobile phone number, and Internet access. WhatsApp is very accessible, so in this session we’ll be discussing how to use the app if you’re Deafblind. Wednesday, February 26 from 1 to 2 p.m. on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Let's Make a Mural - Winter Holidays
In this session, we will be making a digital mural together that represents everything we love and appreciate. No skills required! Join us Thursday, February 27 from 11:30am to 12:30pm Eastern Time.

Less Trivial: A Box of Butterflies by Jo Rooks
Now in its fifth year, CNIB Nova Scotia’s Less Trivial focuses on team-based problem-solving rather than traditional trivia, with rounds including word puzzles, riddles, Family Feud, and number games. Each month, we'll feature a children's book with every couple of pages inspiring the theme for the next round. This month’s book is A Box of Butterflies by Jo Rooks. Thursday, February 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Atlantic Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: The Lounge (ages 20+)
Friday nights are fun...and easy! We're hosting a special monthly get-together for adults ages 20+ who simply want to hangout and chat. Zoom information will be provided after registering.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: Curiosity Corner
Keep curious and engaged with lifelong learning. In this monthly session we will be inviting special guests and experts to inform and inspire us on a variety of interesting topics! Join us the first Monday of the month from 3 to 4 p.m. Eastern Time. Zoom information will be provided after registering.

Dollars Seen Differently Podcast Series: Debt and Taxes
CNIB's Dollars Seen Differently podcast breaks down financial topics to make them more accessible for people who are blind, Deafblind or have low vision. Hosted by Ryan Hooey, each episode features a down-to-earth conversation with financial experts, offering practical tips and resources on topics like accessing government benefits, smart saving strategies, managing debt, taxes, financial aid for education, and more. Join us on March 5 where we'll discuss Episode 8: Debt and Taxes – The Basics. This is a hybrid program available virtually via Zoom or in-person at the CNIB London Community Hub on Wednesday, March 5 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

The Music Makers’ Jam: Collaborate with Tony
Share your music, connect with fellow musicians, and get fresh ideas and feedback on your songs from others playing different instruments. We’re thrilled to have Tony volunteering with us directly from his music studio to guide and inspire you. During the sessions, we’ll break into smaller breakout rooms where you can choose the genre that excites you and collaborate with other musicians. Whether you want to showcase your song, get help with writing, or discover new musical ideas, there’s a space for you to grow and have fun! First Thursday of every month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Zoom.

Tech Connect – March
Tech Connect is an interactive, engaging and educational program where participants discuss different technologies/apps that can help make life a bit easier! Participants will learn about technologies other participants use and you are then able to ask questions to get help with your own technology/apps. Tech Connect meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of every month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Newfoundland Time on Zoom.

I Can...Learn to Guide-Run & Walk Clinic
This casual session is designed to help any runners and walkers in the region, to learn the basics of being a sighted guide for an athlete who is blind or has low vision. Saturday, March 15 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Spencer Smith Park (1400 Lakeshore Road, Burlington).

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: The Climbing Wall
In March we will be talking about the climbing tower at CNIB Lake Joe! Many guests have conquered their fear of heights and walked away with bragging rights after making it to the top. Join us Monday, March 17th, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern and learn how the climbing tower is one of the safest activities at camp.

Dollars Seen Differently Podcast Series: Crypto Currency
CNIB's Dollars Seen Differently podcast breaks down financial topics to make them more accessible for people who are blind, Deafblind or have low vision. Hosted by Ryan Hooey, each episode features a down-to-earth conversation with financial experts, offering practical tips and resources on topics like accessing government benefits, smart saving strategies, managing debt, taxes, financial aid for education, and more. Join us on Tuesday, March 18 from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time where we'll discuss Episode 10: An Introduction to Cryptocurrency, followed by a Q&A.

The Writing Room – Spring Session
Step into The Writing Room, a dynamic virtual space where creativity flourishes. Over eight weeks, you’ll collaborate in this peer writing group, in an inspiring environment designed to ignite your imagination and hone your writing skills. Through exciting exercises, spirited discussions, and interactive games, you’ll explore the craft of writing in fresh, unexpected ways. The Writing Room meets every Wednesday from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

Let's Talk Cooking – Spring Session
Love cooking or would love to know more about cooking? Join this group to share ideas, tips, tricks and the joy of cooking and baking! Every Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: Archery
In April you'll learn how to hit the target - literally! Join us Monday, April 21st, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern to learn more about the unique ways CNIB Lake Joe makes archery accessible for everyone.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: Waterskiing
In May, we'll be learning all about blind waterskiing at CNIB Lake Joe! Join us Monday, May 26, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern to discover how anyone can waterski with the right skills, equipment and attitude.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: Arts & Crafts
In June, we're getting in touch with our creative sides! Join us Monday, June 16, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern to explore all the ways you can get your artistic juices flowing at camp.

CNIB Lake Joe: Adult Leisure #1 (ages 19+)
Kick off the summer on the shores of beautiful Lake Joseph in Muskoka. Be among the first to enjoy all the exciting new amenities at camp while soaking in the sun, tapping into your unexplored talents and forming fabulous friendships.
CNIB Lake Joe: Camp Abilities - Hockey & Watersports (ages 8-18)
Having fun with adaptive sports is the name of the game in Camp Abilities. Develop your athletic abilities here with a focus on building and perfecting skills in blind hockey, or waterskiing and wakeboarding!
CNIB Lake Joe: PLAY (ages 8-18)
Everyone wants to PLAY (Pushing Limits for Active Youth)! Join us for a full week of exploring new sports, playing games and having the time of your life with friends.

CNIB Lake Joe: Young Adult Wilderness Trip (ages 19-35)
CNIB Lake Joe is offering the thrill of a lifetime with a new wilderness trip specifically for young adults (ages 19-35). Sign up now to learn/strengthen your camping skills and prepare for an awesome, memory-making adventure.
CNIB Lake Joe: Young Adult Week (ages 19-35)
Need an escape from your busy life? A change of scenery? A chance to meet new people like you? We invite you to join us for Young Adult Week for people ages 19-35.

CNIB Lake Joe: Adult Leisure #2 (ages 19+)
Escape and spend a week on the shores of beautiful Lake Joseph in Muskoka and soak in the sun while getting lots of rest and relaxation.
CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: Music
In July, we're talking about the importance of music at camp! Whether you sing, play an instrument, write music/lyrics, or simply like to listen and sway to the beat, join us Monday, July 21, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern to discover all the ways you can tap into your musical talents at Lake Joe.
CNIB Lake Joe: Summer Camp/ESL Immersion (ages 8-18)
Summer Camp is full of your favourite fun camp activities with exciting new programs to try for the first time! Francophone guests will be joining to practice their English skills. Oh la la!
CNIB Lake Joe: Counsellor-in-Training (ages 15-18)
Mix work and play while building your resume and gaining essential, hands-on job experience in this extended 2-week program!

CNIB Lake Joe: Leadership Program (ages 15-18)
Weave together leisure and leadership in what’s going to be Lake Joe's best leadership program yet!
CNIB Lake Joe: Family Week #1 (all ages)
Family Weeks are open to guests with sight loss and everyone in their family. Activities are available for all ages with a daily kids camp and adult programs too. This week is prioritized for families with children with sight loss.

CNIB Lake Joe: Family Week #2 (all ages)
Family Weeks are open to guests with sight loss and everyone in their family. Activities are available for all ages with a daily kids camp and adult programs too.
CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe: Kayaking
It's hot in August, so we're focused on water and the fun sport of kayaking. Fun to do alone, with a friend, or even with guide dogs, find out how you can make a splash with this fun activity. Join us Monday, August 18, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

Seated Dance Fitness Zoom
Adaptive Dance instructor, Tiffany Tjosvold, will be leading a Zoom-based, high energy, seated dance class for participants ages 19+. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.

CNIBLakeJoe@Home: All Things Lake Joe
In this new program, we will be covering a different topic relating to CNIB Lake Joe! Whether you're new to Lake Joe or a seasoned camper, join us for videos, special guests, and updates the third Monday of each month, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

Seated Dance Fitness Zoom
Adaptive Dance instructor, Tiffany Tjosvold, will be leading a Zoom-based, high energy, seated dance class for participants ages 19+. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.
Meet Tara & Betty
Since volunteering with CNIB, Tara has narrated countless audiobooks for Beyond Print, ensuring equitable access to literature. With a focus on the needs of the print disabled community, the Beyond Print team produces braille, electronic publications, and audiobooks that enrich the lives of individuals and organizations across Canada.

Meet Sandra & Ryan
From potty training to teaching basic obedience and socialization, Sandra plays a crucial role in preparing these dogs for their important work. Puppy raising isn't just a responsibility; it's a rewarding journey filled with love and dedication and is an important step on a future guide dog’s journey to become a fully fledged working guide dog.
Meet Karin & Tammy
For Tammy Adams, joining the Vision Mate program was life-changing. “Meeting Karin was one of the best things that’s happened to me,” she shares. Before their connection, Tammy felt isolated and longed for meaningful companionship. That changed when she met Karin, a dedicated CNIB volunteer who quickly became a cherished friend.

CNIB Rural Strategy Advisory Committee
As part of our strategic commitment to Safe and Accessible Journeys, CNIB is launching an accessible rural transportation strategy, and we’re recruiting community advocates to join us as advisory committee members to help drive this important work forward. The Rural Strategy Advisory Committee is an advisory body designed to support CNIB's rural transportation strategy in its mission to remove barriers to travel and create safe, accessible transportation options across rural communities in Canada for people who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision. As a representative on the committee, you’ll provide valuable input, advice, and recommendations to support CNIB’s rural transportation strategy, helping to improve access to accessible public transportation in rural areas where options are limited or nonexistent.

Back to the Future with Jack McCormick
Ten years ago, Jack McCormick spent his summer working at CNIB Lake Joe as a camp counsellor. While many of his fellow camp staff were scrambling to quickly learn what was where and focusing on awareness training about blindness etiquette and accessibility, Jack was already way ahead of the pack. This wasn’t his first time at Lake Joe.

Westminster College Foundation: $20K donation brings kids with sight loss to camp
Every summer, Canadians head outdoors with their families to enjoy all that nature has to offer. Coby Schleihauf and her family are no different. Every summer they pack their bags and head north from their home in St. Thomas, Ontario to enjoy their annual family summer vacation. But instead of travelling to a cottage or a campsite, they’ve made CNIB Lake Joe their home away from home every summer since 2016.

Eitel’s Kickin’ it at CNIB Lake Joe
Sometimes you want to get away from it all…together.
Eitel describes himself as a digital accessibility expert by day, judo champ by dusk, and committed member of the National Youth Council (NYC) around the clock. On top of that he’s a long-time CNIB Lake Joe camper and an awesome ambassador.
Eitel describes himself as a digital accessibility expert by day, judo champ by dusk, and committed member of the National Youth Council (NYC) around the clock. On top of that he’s a long-time CNIB Lake Joe camper and an awesome ambassador.

Children & Youth Programs
We can’t wait to welcome our younger guests to CNIB Lake Joe for lots of summer fun in the sun. Many of our programs are also open to sighted siblings and friends too. Registration fees for all CNIB Lake Joe Children and Youth programs are just $155/week. Book your space now!

CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network
Advocacy is a powerful tool to dismantle systemic barriers, challenge discrimination and create change by raising awareness, influencing policies, and mobilizing community members to get involved. But finding your voice and learning how to become an advocate can sometimes feel intimidating or overwhelming. CNIB’s new advocacy peer mentorship program, CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network, aims to change that. Discover the tools and techniques you need to channel your frustrations and concerns into constructive advocacy efforts by enrolling in the CNIB Advocacy Mentorship Network!

CNIB Lake Joe Camper Profile: Miriam & Matt Hesselbart
Life can bring on sudden change and times of uncertainty. We have the power to decide how we move forward. When life threw Miriam Hesselbart a curveball, she decided to jump into the world of blind sports and found her way to CNIB Lake Joe.

Empowered by technology: Meet Aidan
“My biggest expense going into university was for assistive technology, something that other scholarships do not prioritize as they tend to focus primarily on direct educational costs, like tuition,” says Aidan. “I knew CNIB would understand this need, and their scholarship application process was quite straightforward. I just had to upload documents online and answer a few questions.”

Scholarship Success: Meet Kaitlynn
In 2023, Kaitlynn was awarded a $3,000 CNIB scholarship and used the funds to purchase accessible technology and software, including a Victor Reader Stream – a handheld digital audio player (with a $595 price tag) that she uses to read books, course materials, and other online resources. “It's because of the CNIB scholarship that I'm able to have the technology and software that I need to thrive as a student,” says Kaitlynn.

Scholarship recipient spotlight: Acacia
While adjusting to university life was “a big change,” the $3,000 scholarship she received from CNIB enabled Acacia to concentrate on her studies. She used the funds to pay for residence and living expenses, like groceries. The financial support also allowed her to dedicate her first semester entirely to adjusting to university life without having to work part-time.

‘Home away from home’ This family spends summers at a camp that’s a haven for their kids with low vision
Every summer, at the start of her family’s vacation, Sarah Knip stops to take a photograph of the large welcome sign that arches over the laneway leading to CNIB Lake Joe. That moment is the first in a string of Knip family traditions at the fully accessible camp located on the northwest corner of Lake Joseph in Muskoka.

Meet Bree: CNIB Lake Joe’s Camp Program Manager
CNIB Lake Joe is thrilled to introduce Bree Leblanc, our new Camp Program Manager. With her vibrant personality, love of puns, and a passion for camp, Bree is already making a positive impact on our community.

Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS)
This summer, CNIB ran an advocacy campaign calling for the proper installation and maintenance of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). Our community came out in force, resulting in 641 letters submitted to municipal mayors and councillors across the country, calling on them to prioritize the proper installation and maintenance of APS devices in their municipalities.

Don’t forget to ring! A public awareness initiative for safer cycling on The Confederation Trail
Ringing your bicycle bell is a small gesture of respect that makes shared outdoor spaces more enjoyable for everyone. A bell ring alerts pedestrians of a rider’s presence and serves as a courteous heads-up, preventing sudden surprises, collisions, and injuries. Always ring your bicycle bell when passing pedestrians along The Confederation Trail!

Sam Smadella: Bringing Music to the Ears of CNIB Lake Joe’s Virtual Campers
Sam Smadella is a recreational therapist who has always had a passion for helping others. Whether it's in palliative care, child care, or diverse communities, Sam always finds herself making an incredible impact wherever she goes.

Class of 2024
At local celebrations across the country, 23 new partnerships (15 guide dogs, seven buddy dogs, and one ambassador dog) graduated as part of the CNIB Guide Dog Class of 2024.

Jane Casey invites you to “Get on Board”
The CNIB Lake Joe Advisory Board (LJAB) is currently recruiting new members. Jane Casey, LJAB member and long-time CNIB Lake Joe alumnus shares why she joined the Board and why you should consider this opportunity too.

Meet David Throssell
David Throssell, Executive Consultant at IG Private Wealth Management – Throssell Group, has a long-time history with CNIB and played a special role as the presenting sponsor of CNIB Lake Joe’s 2023 Cookout With Cuddy fundraising event. Thrilled that David will be our presenting sponsor again for the 2024 Cookout With Cuddy encore event, we wanted you to learn more about him and why he couldn’t resist the chance to support CNIB Lake Joe.

Volunteer Profile: Vivian Chong
It has been said that in order to truly grow, we must be willing to stretch. Vivian Chong, past CNIB Lake Joe guest, long-time CNIB Lake Joe volunteer and yoga practitioner has been stretching her whole life and encourages everyone to “expand yourself!”

Khrisstina Engel: Live, laugh, love at CNIB Lake Joe
In 2014, at the age of 38, Khrisstina's world was forever changed when a stroke caused her to lose her sight. The following two years were a tremendous struggle, marked by a profound loss of direction and the challenge of navigating life without sight. In 2016, she took a pivotal step by attending CNIB Lake Joe, a decision that would redefine her perspective on her ‘second life’ after losing her sight.

“This is where we met our people.” CNIB Lake Joe online and onsite
The COVID-19 pandemic was all about keeping everyone safe at home, but for the Gillan family – and hundreds like them – it was the start of a whole new way to connect with others sharing a sight loss journey.

"SnoWay" Snow Removal Campaign
For people who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision, navigating outdoor spaces can become difficult or impossible during the winter months due to environmental barriers caused by improper snow removal practices. As snow blankets our streets and sidewalks, CNIB’s annual “SnoWay” advocacy campaign is back to highlight the barriers that snow and ice create and remind municipalities, businesses, snow removal contractors, and homeowners about their responsibility to clear snow and ice from paths of travel.

Connecting the Dots - Conference Information
Access important day-of details including the conference program, bios of speakers and presenters, venue and travel info and more!

Meet Matt Simonot: Volunteer with a Vision
When Matt first arrived at CNIB Lake Joe in his role as a volunteer counsellor, he was a teenager with a humble goal of completing volunteer hours for school. He jumped at the chance to get involved with CNIB Lake Joe as it was a stone’s throw from his family’s cottage. It didn’t take long before he began to understand the magic of CNIB Lake Joe.

Get on board with accessible public transit
This fall, we’re excited to launch phase three of the “Get on Board!” campaign, this time targeting 10 new municipalities in Canada. We hope you’ll join us in advocating for accessible public transit by participating in an undercover mission to improve public transit systems!

7 Challenges Entrepreneurs Face and How to Conquer Them
What are some challenges of being an entrepreneur? While entrepreneurship can help you build your ideal lifestyle, starting a new business is by no means a simple journey.

CNIB Partners in Vision - Frequently Asked Questions
Browse the questions below to find out more about your monthly donations as a CNIB Partner in Vision. If you can't find the information you're looking for here, call us toll-free at 1-800-563-2642 or email monthly.giving@cnib.ca. One of our specialists will be happy to assist you.

Class of 2023
After completing intensive training, it’s finally graduation day for the CNIB Guide Dogs class of 2023! CNIB Guide Dogs is celebrating 15 new partnerships, including nine guide dog graduates, five buddy dog graduates, and one ambassador dog graduate.

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Salim
Local Calgary resident Salim Kassam loves to give back to his community. In 2014 Salim was diagnosed with Ushers Syndrome, a genetic disease that affects both hearing and sight. It was then that he originally connected with CNIB for support – and quickly fell in love with the community and cause.

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Alan
As a Tech-Mate, Alan volunteers his time to work one-on-one with participants in the British Columbia area who are interested in brushing up on their assistive and accessible technology skills.

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Jessica
CNIB Lake Joe is lucky to have long-time volunteers, but not many are like Jess Bailey. She has been volunteering at CNIB Lake Joe for most of her life!

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: The National Youth Council
Le Conseil national des jeunes d'INCA (CNJ) offre à ses membres la possibilité d'influencer le changement et d'accroître la sensibilisation aux questions auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes Canadiens vivant avec une perte de vision.

My scholarship experience – Niko Bauer
By: Niko Bauer
University is a massive obligation, and you’re stressed at the outset because you don’t know how you’ll pay for it on top of hours of studying and learning. The support of a scholarship goes so far beyond a dollar amount. It’s so relieving to know you have that kickstart to get going. It’s super beneficial. I’m paying for my school with a mixture of working and taking a gap year, but it’s not quite enough. I applied for scholarships all over and figured this [CNIB scholarship] was an area where I’d have more access and opportunity to receive a scholarship.
University is a massive obligation, and you’re stressed at the outset because you don’t know how you’ll pay for it on top of hours of studying and learning. The support of a scholarship goes so far beyond a dollar amount. It’s so relieving to know you have that kickstart to get going. It’s super beneficial. I’m paying for my school with a mixture of working and taking a gap year, but it’s not quite enough. I applied for scholarships all over and figured this [CNIB scholarship] was an area where I’d have more access and opportunity to receive a scholarship.

CNIB Lake Joe’s Got Talent: Introducing Jade Ondrik
Jade Ondrik, Virtual Music Specialist at CNIB Lake Joe, has been singing her heart out for as long as she can remember. The 19-year-old GTA resident was enrolled in vocal classes when she was just four years old and has been singing, dancing, and acting her whole life.

CNIB Lake Joe for Beginners: Alessia’s Story
Alessia Trulli’s life changed at 22 when she woke up one day and couldn’t see. Diagnosed with cone-rod dystrophy, Alessia was going to school and supply teaching as an Early Childhood Educator as she started to adjust to her sight loss.

Vision Mate Program
The Vision Mate program is CNIB's flagship initiative for one-on-one support. The program matches people who are blind or partially sighted with sighted volunteers who provide companionship and assistance with everyday tasks and errands.

All in the Family: Kathy gives back to CNIB Lake Joe by volunteering
Kathy McCormick and her family have a long history with CNIB Lake Joe. Their first time at camp was in 2002 with their oldest son Jack, and since then, someone in the family has either volunteered or worked at the camp.

Meet Munashe
In July, Munashe Nyenya visited CNIB Lake Joe with three other youth from Alberta for the Canadian Leadership Development Program (CLDP). This program offers youth who are blind or partially sighted an opportunity to come together for learning, skills development, social interaction and good fun. We caught up with Munashe to hear what he had to say about his time at CNIB Lake Joe.

An intervener’s experience at CNIB Lake Joe
Every year during Adult Week programming, CNIB Lake Joe welcomes guests who are Deafblind and their intervenors. Laura Mason is an intervenor with CNIB Deafblind Community Services in Hamilton, Ont. And we spoke with her about her experiences at CNIB Lake Joe.

Meet Harjinder Saran
In July, Harjinder Saran visited CNIB Lake Joe with two other youth from British Columbia for the Canadian Leadership Development Program (CLDP). We spoke with Harjinder about her experience.

CNIB Lake Joe’s New Blind Hockey Program featuring Luca DeMontis
This summer, CNIB Lake Joe was extremely fortunate to have Luca DeMontis, Program Director at Canadian Blind Hockey and General Manager of the Canadian National Blind Hockey Team, coach the first-ever Blind Hockey Camp during Camp Abilities Week.

Connecting the Dots – Toronto Program
Connecting the Dots Toronto In-Person Exhibit Hall & Networking: Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at Deloitte Canada (8 Adelaide St W #200, Toronto, ON). Explore the Toronto agenda.

An interview with Daniel Kisielewski
This interview is based on a “Guestimonial” Llonella Gilbert, our CNIB Lake Joe Communications Intern, had with Daniel during his stay at CNIB Lake Joe.

Accessible Communities
The ability to access and enjoy your own community is essential for everyone. Engaging in the many things that our local neighbourhoods offer is vital for the overall wellbeing of all community members, including people who are blind or partially sighted. When places are inaccessible and lack a sense of inclusiveness, everyone misses out.

Meet Shawn Johnson
Born in Peterborough, Shawn now lives with his family in Hiawatha First Nations, Ontario. He is First Nations Mississauga Ojibwe and is a Sun Dancer. Shawn lost his sight in 2010 at the age of 50. His first visit to CNIB Lake Joe was in 2013, and he hadn’t missed a year until the pandemic closed in-person camp in 2020.

Bernard’s White Cane Story
For many years, Bernard was reluctant to use the cane or be connected with the sight loss community because he was afraid of being stigmatized. Now his cane is a source of pride and as a Ghanian Canadian he uses it to advocate for other causes like Black Lives Matter.

Julia’s White Cane Story
Julia shares with us her experiences as an active person who uses a wheelchair as well a cane, and what drives her passion for educating younger people on what her white cane means.

Ramla’s White Cane Story
Ramla was born in Somalia and began her white cane journey in Canada. She realized that if she wanted to live an independent life, she would need to use a cane. Now as an avid cane user she brings awareness to others.

Jason’s White Cane Story
Jason was a long-haul truck driver in Manitoba before he lost his sight suddenly. He spoke to us about how he learned to use a cane virtually and adjusted to life as a cane user during the COVID-19 pandemic.

About the White Cane
There are different types of white canes used by Canadians who are blind or partially sighted. Learn more about what they are and how they are used.

Class of 2022
As part of CNIB Guide Dogs' class of 2022, 16 Canadians who are blind or partially sighted are graduating with their guide dogs on International Guide Dog Day (April 27) after completing intensive training.

Via Rail Canada
Founded in 1977, VIA Rail Canada connects and unites cities and people by offering passenger rail services from coast to coast to coast. Every day, VIA Rail Canada strives to provide a safe, accessible, efficient, reliable, and sustainable travel experience that meets the needs of Canadian passengers.

Meet Lynn – Book Club Facilitator
Everyone loves a good page turner, including Lynn Kennedy, who wanted to share her love of reading with others. In 2020, she started volunteering as a book club facilitator.
“CNIB has been a great source of support for my son, and I’m very grateful,” says Lynn. “I’ve taken a keen interest in learning how CNIB helps people with sight loss and the various programs that are available.”
“CNIB has been a great source of support for my son, and I’m very grateful,” says Lynn. “I’ve taken a keen interest in learning how CNIB helps people with sight loss and the various programs that are available.”

Meet Louise – Coffee Chat Facilitator
Louise became a CNIB volunteer in March 2020 to provide support for people who are blind or partially sighted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It was a time of great need and total isolation for all of us. I wanted to give back to my community as someone with sight loss,” says Louise. “Using the Zoom platform regularly provided us with a feeling of connection. It also boosted our confidence with using the technology.”
“It was a time of great need and total isolation for all of us. I wanted to give back to my community as someone with sight loss,” says Louise. “Using the Zoom platform regularly provided us with a feeling of connection. It also boosted our confidence with using the technology.”

Meet Louis – Peer Support Group Facilitator
After losing his vision suddenly in 2011, Quebec City’s Louis Levesque began to volunteer as a peer support group facilitator.
“When I lost my vision, I could no longer do my job,” says Louis. “At 55, I was too young to be idle, so it seemed like a natural fit to help those who were facing the same challenges as me.”
With an incredible amount of empathy, Louis is committed to creating safe spaces that welcome the most difficult conversations related to sight loss.
“When I lost my vision, I could no longer do my job,” says Louis. “At 55, I was too young to be idle, so it seemed like a natural fit to help those who were facing the same challenges as me.”
With an incredible amount of empathy, Louis is committed to creating safe spaces that welcome the most difficult conversations related to sight loss.

Meet Emer – Cooking Club Facilitator
Kitchener-Waterloo's Emer Ferguson volunteers as a cooking club facilitator. As someone with sight, she has learned a lot from people who are blind or partially sighted.
“Whether it’s using an Instant Pot, a slow cooker or setting aside more time for cooking, they’ve taught me that anything is possible in the kitchen,” says Emer.
“Whether it’s using an Instant Pot, a slow cooker or setting aside more time for cooking, they’ve taught me that anything is possible in the kitchen,” says Emer.

Meet Betty – CNIB Tech Mate
As a CNIB Tech Mate, Vancouver’s Betty Nobel volunteers to help put the latest tech knowledge at people’s fingertips.
“People need to have hope that they can carry on living independent lives after losing their vision,” says Betty. “CNIB has played a big part in my journey to independence since birth, so I have always wanted to give back.”
“People need to have hope that they can carry on living independent lives after losing their vision,” says Betty. “CNIB has played a big part in my journey to independence since birth, so I have always wanted to give back.”

Lion Peter Best: Smashing Transportation Barriers
For many campers, transportation poses a significant barrier to visiting CNIB Lake Joe. With the support of Lions Clubs and dedicated Lion Peter Best, campers from southwestern Ontario have travelled safely and comfortably to Lake Joe on "Peter’s Bus" since 1989.

What’s YOUR Mountain? Team Limitless encourages kids to live without limits
Jason Mitschele always wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. He used to live in Africa and knew others who had made the assent. Blind from birth, Jason thought climbing was a lofty dream, but he is not the kind of guy to hold back.

How CNIB Scholarships helped support my post-secondary education
By: Mark Rawleigh
Throughout my post-secondary studies at Mount Royal University, I was the lucky recipient of three scholarships from CNIB – totalling nearly $5,000 over five and a half years.
Throughout my post-secondary studies at Mount Royal University, I was the lucky recipient of three scholarships from CNIB – totalling nearly $5,000 over five and a half years.

Creating a Sensation: Cerenna-tee Racey
“It was overwhelming but in a good way,” says Cerenna-tee Racey when reflecting on her first visit to CNIB Lake Joe at the age of nine.

Meet “Super Six” challenger Randall Oliphant
“I’d like to say to anyone thinking about getting involved with CNIB Lake Joe, ‘What would you do if one of your family members was living with sight loss? How would you hope your friends and neighbours would respond to a request for help?’”
Meet Randall Oliphant, a remarkable donor, volunteer, and member of the CNIB Lake Joe Vision Team since its inception in 2016.
Meet Randall Oliphant, a remarkable donor, volunteer, and member of the CNIB Lake Joe Vision Team since its inception in 2016.

Believe You Can Achieve: Corey Braun
CNIB Lake Joe volunteers like Corey Braun play a vital role in crafting enriching camp experiences.
“Being a volunteer at CNIB Lake Joe will change your life in a positive and remarkable way,” says Corey.
“Being a volunteer at CNIB Lake Joe will change your life in a positive and remarkable way,” says Corey.

About CNIB Connects
Learn more about the membership program, how it works, and why we created it.

Accessible Payment Terminals
CNIB has worked together with Moneris Solutions Corporation (‘Moneris’), with support from the Government of Canada to create an inclusive and accessible shopping experience for everyone through the development of this new accessible terminal.

Volunteer profile: Roy & Mark Klementti
In the last two years, the CNIB Lake Joe property has undergone a makeover with the additions of a multi-sport court, a 5-a-side soccer pitch, a mini-golf course, and a fully resurfaced shuffleboard court. These accessible features will keep campers busy learning new skills and building friendships with teammates and competitors alike. None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of Roy and Mark Klementti – a dynamic father/son volunteer duo.

I learned so much about my community: staff member Taylor Gaudon
by Martha Uniacke Breen for Cayman Marshall International Luxury & Lifestyle
“As I grew older, I needed a job, but I wasn’t comfortable in the typical teen jobs like fast food or retail. So my mum applied to CNIB for ideas. They suggested becoming a program facilitator, which is a kind of counsellor, at CNIB Lake Joe."
“As I grew older, I needed a job, but I wasn’t comfortable in the typical teen jobs like fast food or retail. So my mum applied to CNIB for ideas. They suggested becoming a program facilitator, which is a kind of counsellor, at CNIB Lake Joe."

CNIB Mobile Hub – Tour Schedule
We’re bringing the CNIB Mobile Hub in communities across Canada. To see where we’re headed next, check out our tour schedule.

About the Know Your Rights – Ontario project
Through the Know Your Rights Project, CNIB has developed plain language legal information and resources (fact sheets, videos, training, etc.) to empower Ontarians who are blind, partially sighted or Deafblind to better understand their rights, navigate the Ontario legal system and self-advocate to challenge discrimination.

Dare to Dream – Meet Julia Stevenson
CNIB Lake Joe has been a “second home” for 49-year-old Julia Stevenson from Bowmanville, Ontario. When she recalled her most recent visit during the new Holiday Week program, she gushes that “It was the best experience…just phenomenal.”

Let’s Go! CNIB Lake Joe e-newsletter
Welcome to Let’s Go! CNIB Lake Joe e-newsletter! This quarterly e-newsletter will provide all the news you can use about CNIB Lake Joe: new and exciting programs, fabulous events, staff and volunteer opportunities, and fun facts about life at CNIB Lake Joe.

Know Your Rights: A Step in the Right Direction
David Demers, Executive Director CNIB Quebec, thanks about the Know your Rights project.

Growing up with CNIB Lake Joe – meet Derek Thompson
“My parents say that Lake Joe saved me because I was angry and miserable when my vision changed," says Derek Thompson. "But once I was at Lake Joe, those feelings dissipated, and my maturity started to develop.”
Nearly 35 years later, Derek Thompson still remembers his first visit to CNIB Lake Joe.
Nearly 35 years later, Derek Thompson still remembers his first visit to CNIB Lake Joe.

Meet Stela
An advocate, student, teacher, and music specialist, Stela Trudeau started volunteering with CNIB summer camps when her eye condition was formally diagnosed in 2015.

When Ollie met Mason
Ollie has a compromised immune system, and to keep him safe during the pandemic, he has not been able to spend time with friends. But that changed when Ollie arrived at CNIB Lake Joe with his sister and parents as part of Holiday Week, a new offering at CNIB Lake Joe. Ollie met Mason, an 11-year-old boy, and as Ollie’s mum puts it, “The two became fast friends, inspiring each other to try new things.” When Mason told Ollie he was going to try kayaking all by himself – without a parent, Ollie wanted to try, too.

CNIB Honours Lions’ Top Contributors
“I was totally surprised when I got the award. It never even crossed my mind,” says Fred. “I’m very thankful. I’ve been a Lion for over 50 years, and CNIB Lake Joe is one of the areas that I’ve most enjoyed in all my years of being in Lions.”
Fred says that the love of CNIB Lake Joe runs in the family.
Fred says that the love of CNIB Lake Joe runs in the family.

Summers at CNIB Lake Joe with the Knip Family
CNIB Lake Joe has become a family vacation destination for the Knip family: Sarah, Josh and their children Caleb, Keagan, Avery, Hudson, and Nora.
Three of their children live with sight loss. After learning about the camp from an Early Childhood Intervention Specialist in 2015, the family now visits every summer.
Three of their children live with sight loss. After learning about the camp from an Early Childhood Intervention Specialist in 2015, the family now visits every summer.

Sewing in the Dark with Jaclyn Pope
Jaclyn Pope is determined to not let COVID-19 railroad her education and professional ambitions as she expands her online business, Sewing in the Dark. When a sewing course at Durham College was cancelled due to the pandemic, Jaclyn, 39, viewed it as an opportunity to reconsider her educational plans.
“I started to think about other things that I could learn that would ultimately help my business and help me achieve my goals,” says Jaclyn. “I realized one of the ways I can promote my business is to have a website, but I didn't want to pay someone to create a website for me. Because I like to have control, I decided to learn how to build my own.”
“I started to think about other things that I could learn that would ultimately help my business and help me achieve my goals,” says Jaclyn. “I realized one of the ways I can promote my business is to have a website, but I didn't want to pay someone to create a website for me. Because I like to have control, I decided to learn how to build my own.”

Congratulating Tait
“I knew CNIB Scholarships existed, but I never really thought of myself as someone who could get a scholarship because, frankly, my grades are not stellar,” says Tait. “But the scholarship application said they were looking for someone who likes to do things outside the box. It wasn't just about academics and grades, so I took a chance and applied.”

Meet Susan
Susan Creasy and her family have been part of the Lake Joe journey since the beginning. Her grandfather and great aunt, Wilfred C. James and Elsinore C. Burns, were both members of the Lake Joseph Planning Committee in the early stages of development in the 1960s.

Lion Barb Ennis: Kindness and Service in Action
Lion Barb Ennis grew up in Toronto close to CNIB's head office, and every day she saw people with white canes and guide dogs travelling to and from CNIB. And every summer, her family went to their cottage in Muskoka where her mom, a relief nurse at CNIB Lake Joe, would take her along.

Robert & David Froom: Renewing Relationships at CNIB Lake Joe
Everyone has their own reason for volunteering. I volunteer to repay, in some small way, the enormous debt of gratitude I feel for CNIB: for the services it has provided to my brother David and for the life-changing experiences I have shared with him at CNIB Lake Joe.

Meet Bruce Roulston
Lion Bruce Roulston from Hagersville, Ontario, was a farmer for practically his entire life until he lost his vision to Retinitis Pigmentosa.
“I was 53 when I got off the farm because it was too dangerous for me to work. I realized I needed support and that’s when CNIB became a big part of my life,” says Bruce.
“I was 53 when I got off the farm because it was too dangerous for me to work. I realized I needed support and that’s when CNIB became a big part of my life,” says Bruce.

How CNIB Lake Joe Inspired a Young Advocate
When Alicia Chenier arrived at CNIB Lake Joe as a 12-year-old, she didn’t have to “hide being blind."
“I used to pretend I wasn’t blind because I was bullied for it. School was tough,” says Alicia.
“I used to pretend I wasn’t blind because I was bullied for it. School was tough,” says Alicia.

Volunteer with a Vision – Nancy Simonot
For Nancy Simonot, volunteering with CNIB Lake Joe is a family affair. Her journey with CNIB began when her son, Matthew, had a transformational experience as a volunteer counsellor.

Special thanks: Volunteer Jim Tokos, 23+ years of service
Do you remember what you were doing 23 years ago? Were you sitting in a packed movie theatre breathlessly watching Titanic? Humming along to Elton John’s Candle in the Wind? Enjoying the warm winter compliments of El Nino? For Jim Tokos, 1997 was the beginning of a prolific volunteer career at CNIB Lake Joe.

Meet the Van Dyk family
It was five years ago, right here at CNIB Lake Joe, that my daughter said to me, ‘Mom, I have found my people.' At that moment, I knew that we were going to be okay.

Meet Joshua
The moment Joshua Cook arrived at CNIB Lake Joe, he knew it was the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong bond.
"Before I went to camp, I felt isolated. I was the only person I knew with a visual impairment," says Joshua. "I wanted to be around other people with sight loss. Lake Joe really put things into perspective for me."
"Before I went to camp, I felt isolated. I was the only person I knew with a visual impairment," says Joshua. "I wanted to be around other people with sight loss. Lake Joe really put things into perspective for me."

Community Engagement Volunteer – Program Overview
Community Engagement Volunteers are people who are blind or partially sighted, their friends or family, or anyone who has a connection to the mission and wants to make a difference in their community. They are self-starters who can bring together community and drive local grassroots campaigns as well as support national advocacy issues in their region through collaborating with others.

Canine Campus Virtual Tour
Join John Rafferty, President & CEO of CNIB, for a tour of CNIB's Canine Campus, a state-of-the-art facility training amazing dogs to do incredible work in communities across the country.

Meet Sandra
Sandra started volunteering with CNIB as a Vision Mate, a program that connects volunteers with participants for friendly conversations. The first time she heard about CNIB Lake Joe was during a peer support group in her hometown of Newmarket.

Meet Kevin
Diagnosed with Stargardt's disease when he was a teenager, Kevin’s passion for self-advocacy was sparked at university. While engaging with an assistive technologist on campus, he met a friend who was a disability advocate.

Meet Warren
As an assistant captain for his hockey team, Edmonton's Warren Wong knew what it meant to be a leader. He would also coach his brother and his friends, showing them drills to improve their skills. Due to the pandemic, Warren stepped into a different coaching role; a CNIB Tech Mate volunteer.

Meet Rositsa
For Rositsa Ivanova of Toronto, volunteering with CNIB has been an incredible opportunity to learn new skills and make a difference in the lives of Canadians living with sight loss.

Class of 2021
Twenty Canadians who are blind or partially sighted graduated with their guide dogs on April 28, 2021. At the graduation ceremony, seven buddy dog partnerships and two ambassador dog partnerships also graduated, alongside the guide dog partnerships.

CNIB Learning Academy
Canadian youth with sight loss are invited to join CNIB Learning Academy for engaging virtual and in-person programs offered throughout the year! Our programs challenge youth from grades six to first year of post-secondary studies to develop pre-employment, leadership, independence and social skills.

Guide Dog Trainers (GDT) and Guide Dog Mobility Instructors (GDMI)
CNIB Guide Dogs is looking for Guide Dog Trainers and Guide Dog Mobility Instructors. See what’s involved in a typical day.

CNIB’s Advocacy from 1930 – Present
The Dominion Elections Act of 1874 outlined the voting processes in Canada, especially concerning voter’s rights. The Act establishes that voters shall have privacy when casting their ballot and have the right to have their ballot remain private, especially from the Deputy Returning Officer. For voters who were blind, this was not an option.

iPhone/iPad: Low Vision Features Series
Your iPhone/iPad has many low vision features built right in. You can magnify, zoom in and out, change colors and turn on the speak screen feature. Learn how to adjust your device to better meet your needs in this series of workshops.

Accessible Textbooks and Course Materials
Having problems getting your textbooks and course material in an accessible format? Find our how we can help.
What to expect
At Connecting the Dots, you’ll learn from the best! The conference attracts an incredible lineup of keynote speakers, panellists, educators, and vendors who impart their knowledge, ideas and products to ignite conversations and provide valuable insights on education, technology, and employment.

Meet the CNIB National Youth Council
The CNIB National Youth Council provides council members with the opportunity to influence change and increase awareness of issues facing young Canadians living with sight loss. The council also ensures CNIB initiatives, programs, and policies reflect and respond to the needs of young people with sight loss. Meet the young leaders who are driven to change what it is to be blind today!
Meet Céline
For Céline Garneau, volunteering at the CNIB Foundation isn't a job; it's a pleasure. The retired philosophy teacher joined our volunteer team in 2002, helping to create accessible audio books for people with sight loss in our recording studios

Meet Yuko
When Yuko first saw a posting to become a puppy raiser more than two years ago, she was intrigued. She had only just moved to Halifax and was looking for a way to engage with her new community.

Meet the UBCO Nursing Students
In the summer of 2019, four nursing students from the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Okanagan campus enhanced the lives of individuals living with sight loss.

Meet Nancy
For Nancy Simonot, volunteering with CNIB Lake Joe, a life-changing camp that provides enriching experiences for Canadians with sight loss, is a family affair. Her journey with CNIB began when her son, Matthew, had a transformational experience as a volunteer counsellor.

Meet Lloyd
Lloyd facilitated group technology sessions, but he also recognized the need for more personalized training for those new to technology, so he also began volunteering as a Tech Mate.

Meet Kimberly
In her volunteer facilitator role, Kimberly runs programs designed by CNIB Foundation staff to teach youth participants life skills, like leadership, and resume writing.

Meet Julie
Julie Morneault has volunteered with the CNIB Foundation since 2013. Since then, she has worked in several roles with the organization. While she volunteers at her local CNIB office, she also goes into the community to tell her story, and to talk about the importance of accessibility and inclusion.

Meet Gary
Thanks to volunteers like Gary, a whole new generation of kids will grow up asking how they can help make a more accessible Canada!

Meet Brittany
Brittany Farrell, from St. John’s, Newfoundland, has been involved with the CNIB Foundation for longer than she can remember. From volunteering at events to helping around her local office, Brittany is passionate about staying involved with her community.

Guide Dog Handler Advocacy Resources
Through education and awareness, we are committed to ensuring social attitudes shift to universal acceptance and appreciation for guide dogs. We have many advocacy resources available, including a Guide Dog Handler Advocacy Toolkit and CNIB’s standard advocacy letter.

Our Program
People with sight loss often say having a guide dog is a transformational experience. Being part of a guide dog team provides mobility, safety and confidence, leading to increased independence and a sense of connection with the world. We believe everyone who would like to have a guide dog should have that opportunity.

Sponsor CNIB Guide Dogs
Every year, more than 50,000 Canadians lose their sight. When you sponsor a CNIB “puppy with purpose,” you're giving a life-changing gift: freedom, independence and safety for a Canadian with sight loss.

Employment opportunities at CNIB Lake Joe
Laughter, fun, empowering activities – essential ingredients for the perfect camp experience. Do you want to be part of the fantastic CNIB Lake Joe staff team that helps make it all possible?

Tracy & Marion
After an accident, Tracy knew he needed some help for his safety and independence. He applied to CNIB Guide Dogs. A few months later, he was matched with Marion, a black Labrador Retriever.
“Marion licked my face as soon as she met me," says Tracy. "I just knew that she was going to be a great fit – she has a kind, gentle soul.”
“Marion licked my face as soon as she met me," says Tracy. "I just knew that she was going to be a great fit – she has a kind, gentle soul.”

Austin & Dickson
For Austin and his family, adjusting to have a dog in the house and caring for Dickson, a Buddy Dog, has been an educational experience.
"Dickson is helping Austin get over his apprehension about dogs and helping him build a bond," says Julianna, Austin's mother. "It's a learning curve, but it's definitely worth it."
"Dickson is helping Austin get over his apprehension about dogs and helping him build a bond," says Julianna, Austin's mother. "It's a learning curve, but it's definitely worth it."

Sandy & Keller
When Sandy Benoit's guide dog passed away, she found herself in limbo.
"I went four months without a guide dog and was chomping at the bit," says Sandy. "When I lost my dog, it was a jolting reality that I had to adjust to. There was no pitter-patter in the house. But, when Keller arrived, everything changed."
"I went four months without a guide dog and was chomping at the bit," says Sandy. "When I lost my dog, it was a jolting reality that I had to adjust to. There was no pitter-patter in the house. But, when Keller arrived, everything changed."

Ashley & Danson
Ashley Nemeth's sense of confidence and independence was stripped away from her when her guide dog, Rick, was hit by a cyclist on a sidewalk in downtown Regina in 2018.
She was eager to regain the freedom that a guide dog partnership promises, so she applied to CNIB Guide Dogs.
She was eager to regain the freedom that a guide dog partnership promises, so she applied to CNIB Guide Dogs.

Zach & Elsie
Zach, a 12-year-old boy with sight loss, has been practicing his orientation and mobility skills for many years with the goal of partnering with a guide dog someday. So, when CNIB Guide Dogs approached his family with an opportunity to partner with Elsie, a Golden Retriever who has been trained as a Buddy Dog, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Cindy & Barney
When CNIB Guide Dogs officially matched her with Barney, a black Labrador/Golden Retriever cross, she was immediately overcome with feelings of gratitude and joy.

Kelly & Maple
Kelly Picco used to dream about having her own guide dog. When she first met Maple, a two-year-old Golden Retriever, she was overjoyed that her dream had come true.

Meet Willow, a CNIB Ambassador Dog
As an Ambassador Dog, Willow's role is to help raise awareness about guide dogs, introduce people to the benefits of guide dogs, and ensure societal acceptance and appreciation for guide dogs.

Mason & Queenie
Mason, a 9-year-old boy with sight loss, couldn't wait to meet his Buddy Dog, a Golden Retriever named Queenie. The night before she arrived, he was so restless with anticipation that he could hardly sleep.
The bond was immediate. After spending five minutes together at his home in London, he exclaimed: “I love Queenie!"
The bond was immediate. After spending five minutes together at his home in London, he exclaimed: “I love Queenie!"

Receiving a Smartphone from Phone It Forward
Receiving a smartphone through the CNIB Foundation's Phone it Forward program! Meet Scott.

Larissa & Piper
"I'm a fast walker and I was finding that I had to slow down to avoid obstacles," says Larissa. "Places I wasn't familiar with would cause me a lot of anxiety and I thought that a guide dog would help ease some of that."

Danika & Ulysses
When Danika Blackstock met her guide dog, Ulysses, she knew CNIB Guide Dogs made the perfect match.
The University of Waterloo student needed a guide dog that would excel at navigating a busy campus and be ready to sleep during lectures.
The University of Waterloo student needed a guide dog that would excel at navigating a busy campus and be ready to sleep during lectures.

Marco & Baker
Marco didn’t know what to expect when CNIB Guide Dogs came to his home with Baker, a 2-year-old golden retriever. He was uncomfortable with dogs.
But, after Marco petted Baker with his bare foot, he decided it was time to take his new Buddy Dog for a walk.
But, after Marco petted Baker with his bare foot, he decided it was time to take his new Buddy Dog for a walk.

Designing Your Own Path: Clover Thursday
Clover Thursday designs accessories and sells them on her Etsy shop, Bae & Boba. Read about her journey being an artist with sight loss!

Download our new app, the Venture Zone Game!
The new Venture Zone Game is out now! Download the app to learn about being an entrepreneur and have fun doing it.

Apply for a CNIB Guide Dog
Learn more about the CNIB Guide Dog application process and apply today!

Playing bingo in support of the CNIB Foundation Ontario
When you play bingo, Ontarians with sight loss win! A portion of the funds raised through charitable gaming supports the CNIB Foundation Ontario.

What is the CNIB Unbound Book Club?
CNIB Unbound is a virtual book club for readers with print disabilities and anyone interested in accessible literacy.

Meet Wendy
Wendy Schilka volunteers at the CNIB Foundation in Abbotsford as a facilitator for the Peer Support Group twice a month. This experience has inspired her – at the age of 64 – to go back to university to get her degree in counseling.

National Corporate and Foundation Partners
CNIB's community partners are vital leaders in the creation of a better tomorrow for all Canadians impacted by sight loss.

Ontario Community Partners
CNIB Ontario's community partners are vital leaders in the creation of a better tomorrow for people of all ages impacted by sight loss.

CNIB Amateur Radio Program
Established in 1967, CNIB’s Amateur Radio Program has grown to include nearly 500 members across Canada, from teens to professionals, parents and retirees.

Phone It Forward
CNIB wants to ensure that anyone who is blind or partially sighted can benefit from safety, independence, and enablement that a smartphone, along with the proper training, can provide. If you have sight loss, live in Canada and are registered with the CNIB Foundation, you are eligible for a free smartphone through Phone It Forward.

National Donors and Partners
Every year, we are astounded by the incredible support of our donors. Some of you attended or organized fundraising events while others signed up to be monthly donors, made gifts in your wills, or gave in memory of loved ones.

Braille Transcription Services
The CNIB Beyond Print Braille Portal can braille just about anything for you!

Why Braille = Literacy
This section explains the relevance, usage and importance of braille for people with sight loss and the braille services available for CNIB participants. Learn about our braille services and the importance of braille.

CNIB Post-Secondary Scholarships & Bursaries
Multiple CNIB post-secondary scholarships are available to students who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision and pursuing diploma or degree, skilled trades certificate, apprenticeship, continuing education program, or post-graduate degree. Learn more about the application requirements and submission process.

What is an Entrepreneur?
Have you ever wanted to open your own business, but feel overwhelmed by all the business jargon?
We'll break down some basic business terms for you to get you started.
We'll break down some basic business terms for you to get you started.

About CNIB Research and Project Submission
Learn more about our research team and how to get involved.

The ABCs of IOS Manual
This free manual provides parents and educators with the age-appropriate information they need to teach a child how to interact with an iPad using VoiceOver. To put the latest knowledge at children's fingertips, it incorporates accessible apps with educational content.

Library Services for People who are Blind
Access a world of books and information through specialized library services in your community.

Gift Matching
As an employee, you may be able to double or triple your donation and impact if your company has a gift-matching program.
Executive Leadership Team
CNIB's team of senior leaders across the country are passionate about changing what it is to be blind today. Learn more about our executive leadership team.

Gift in your will
Leaving the CNIB Foundation a gift in your will is a wonderful way to build your legacy, while making a difference to future generations of people impacted by blindness.

Venture Zone: Vision and Mission
The work world has changed. Entrepreneurship and self-employment are a growing part of our work culture. Maybe you want to start your own business or work as a freelancer or consultant. The Venture Zone is here to give you the resources and inspiration to succeed.

Interviews with our advocates
CNIB interviewed five of our advocates across the country to capture their experience as voters who are blind or partially sighted. Watch the video below to get their take on what works during federal elections in Canada, what still needs to be changed, and get some tips and tricks on advocating at the polls!

Accessible voting around the world
Voting around the world can look very different to what we are used to in Canada, where steps to reduce barriers to the electoral process have been underway for decades. Some countries have begun to reduce barriers to voting more recently, while others have already implemented popular solutions for electors with sight loss.

From the Archives
The following archival materials were provided to CNIB by Elections Canada. Elections Canada is celebrating their 100th anniversary as Canada’s independent electoral agency.

Adult Programs (ages 19+)
CNIB Lake Joe is a beautiful place to indulge in everything that Muskoka has to offer. Join us and meet wonderful friends, enjoy the beauty of nature, treat yourself to new experiences, and have fun in a safe, fully accessible setting.

Contest Judging
Each contest entry is given a mark out of 50 for braille accuracy and a mark out of 50 for creativity. The combined score (out of 100) determines the first, second and third place winners for each group and category.

CNIB Lake Joe On The Go! Podcast
Discover the magic of CNIB Lake Joe with your host, Taylor Gaudon. Hear from passionate guests, volunteers, and staff as they explore a new topic in every episode. Tune in to hear about Lake Joe memories, stories of love and friendship, a day in the life, and more!

White Cane Advocacy Resources
Today there is still stigma and misunderstanding about what the white cane means. We have created education and awareness resources that provide practical information and tips.

Lenovo powers businesses of all kinds with the smart devices, infrastructure, solutions, and services they need to accelerate their intelligent transformation! Lenovo is proud to leverage the diversity of their talented employees to redefine and stretch the limits of what technology can do.

Become a member
Get access to exclusive deals, experiences, and opportunities with CNIB Connects! Become a member today.

Public Education Videos – Ontario
In addition to the practical legal information handbooks, the Know Your Rights team has produced several educational videos. Share these videos!

CNIB Lake Joe History
For over 60 years, CNIB Lake Joseph Centre (Lake Joe) has been providing a unique blend of recreation and skills development in a safe, inclusive environment. CNIB Lake Joe has been enriching lives, making memories, and building independence since 1961!

Help us bring the magic of summer camp to life for people living with sight loss!
Enriching lives, making memories and building independence on the shores of Lake Joseph since 1961.

National Youth Council Blog Series
Here you'll find a collection of blog posts we've written about issues, people, and topics that we're passionate about!

CNIB Participant Agreement
CNIB strives to offer a safe, respectful, and open environment for all its participants, volunteers and employees.

Become an exhibitor
Become a Connecting the Dots exhibitor and reach hundreds of people impacted by sight loss around the world!

Become a sponsor
Discover sponsorship opportunities to link your brand to one of Canada's leaders in accessibility and inclusion.

Accessible Insulin Pumps
Diabetes and sight loss are closely connected, with diabetic retinopathy being a common related condition for people living with diabetes. Over the last few years, CNIB has heard from Canadians living with diabetes and sight loss who are having difficulties managing their diabetes because their insulin pump is not accessible. End users are unable to independently or safely use their insulin pump because often the device must be navigated solely using visual features on a display screen.

Guide Dog Monthly Donor FAQ
Whether you’re thinking about supporting CNIB Guide Dogs or you’re a long-term monthly supporter, we have answers to your most frequently asked questions.

Class of 2019
Twenty-five partnerships across Canada graduated on November 22, 2019. Graduation ceremonies were held in St. John's, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.

CNIB Guide Dogs apprenticeship program
Learn about what’s involved in becoming an apprentice for CNIB Guide Dogs.

Partners and Opportunities
Our partners are committed to engaging talent with different perspectives to create a culture of collaboration and innovation.

CNIB Operations Management Team
CNIB's Operations Management Team is passionate about changing what it is to be blind today. Meet the leaders driving CNIB's work.

Meet the Contest Winners
The power of literacy at your fingertips! The CNIB Braille Creative Writing Contest celebrates braille literacy and encourages young people to flex their creative muscles while practicing their braille skills. Meet the winners of each contest category!

Listen with VoiceOver Series
Discover VoiceOver, a feature built into your iPhone or iPad that lets you listen to instead of read text on the screen. Learn to navigate through and use all the tools and apps on your device by listening and tapping on the screen in the series of workshops.

Humans with CNIB Guide Dogs
Humans with CNIB Guide Dogs is a special look into the relationship between a guide dog and their handler. Inspired by the popular Humans of New York series, each story is told through a personal lens that’s unique to the handler’s lived experiences. Come and meet the extraordinary people whose lives have been changed by CNIB Guide Dogs.

CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award
The CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award recognizes and celebrates youth who are blind are partially sighted that are reaching above and beyond to make a difference in their community, province, or country.

Guide dog access to public places and services
CNIB Guide Dogs is committed to advocating with guide dog users to increase public awareness and breakdown of physical and attitudinal barriers. To aid in this, we have created a series of Tip Sheets.

Volunteer with CNIB Guide Dogs
Do you love dogs? Could you see yourself welcoming a future guide dog puppy into your life? Do you have time during your day to introduce a pup to the world around them and help them take their first steps toward becoming a future guide dog? CNIB Guide Dogs is growing our team of volunteer Puppy Raisers and Boarders.

Recevoir un iPhone : briser l'isolement et gagner de l'autonomie
Lors de sa soirée VIP TechnoVision, la Fondation INCA a remis à Mme Sylain un iPhone pour lui permettre de faciliter ses activités quotidiennes. Quelques semaines à peine après l'avoir reçu, son nouveau téléphone lui permet d'écrire des messages et des textes beaucoup plus facilement, de s'informer sur les conditions météorologiques, de faire sa liste d'épicerie et surtout de communiquer avec son entourage. Avant, elle se sentait plus isolée, surtout qu'elle vit dans une région éloignée.

Donor Spotlight
We are grateful to our donors, who make it possible for us to do our life-changing work.

The Strength of the Group
"The groups have a major impact. Some people have lost a sense of hope and taking part in a support group rekindles their flame," says Pascal, who also benefitted from support groups in the past.

CNIB Unbound Facebook Group
The CNIB Unbound Facebook group is a place where members can meet, get to know each other and talk about all things books!

Meet Darlene
Darlene MacMillan volunteers as a vision mate for the CNIB Foundation with Stacie, a Moncton resident who has sight loss. The pair go on walks two to three times a week – even walking an indoor track during the winter months. They set fitness goals and work toward them together.

Volunteer opportunities at CNIB Lake Joe
We're always looking for volunteers to assist at CNIB Lake Joe in bringing the magic of camp to life for people with sight loss! We promise you'll have an enriching experience at camp, full of laughter, fun and awesome activities.

Say Hello to Denise Justin
Denise Justin wants you to ask her about her braille logo. She owns Say Hello 2 Blindness Accessories, a product line that she hopes will raise awareness about sight loss. Watch the video for her story!

Meet Chris Chamberlin of Frontier Computing
Chris Chamberlin owns an assistive tech company called Frontier Computing.

Information About Braille Courses
CNIB offers braille courses for print and braille readers.

Information about braille courses
CNIB offers Braille courses for print and braille readers.

CNIB Master’s Scholarships
CNIB Master’s Scholarships encourage and support students who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision to undertake post-graduate studies. Learn more about the application requirements and submission process.

Government Relations
The CNIB Voice team monitors the activity of the federal government and regularly provides feedback on new legislation, policies, and programs to add a sight loss lens to everything the federal government does.

CNIB Foundation is driven to change what it is to be blind today, but we wouldn’t be able to accomplish our mission without the support of caring partners like you.

Braille is a system of raised dots that people who are blind can read with their fingers. Learn more about braille.

Marketing with a Message
Engage your customers and help Canadians who are blind or partially sighted by working with CNIB to develop a cause-related marketing campaign.

Gift of life insurance
Create your legacy and make a lasting impact with a gift of life insurance. It can provide you with tax benefits while making a difference for generations.

Children with CNIB Buddy Dogs
Children with CNIB Buddy Dogs is a special look into the relationship between a buddy dog and their partner. Inspired by the popular Humans of New York series, each story is told through a personal lens that’s unique to either the child or their parent's lived experiences. Come and meet the extraordinary children whose lives have been changed by CNIB Buddy Dogs.

Raising CNIB Guide Dogs
Raising CNIB Guide Dogs is a special look into the relationship between a future guide dog and their volunteer puppy raiser. Inspired by the popular Humans of New York series, each story is told through a personal lens that’s unique to the puppy raiser's experience. Come and meet the extraordinary people who are helping change the lives of Canadians with sight loss by raising future CNIB Guide Dogs.
Family Programs (all ages) (2025)
Our family programs give people with sight loss and their families an opportunity to enjoy the splendour of Muskoka on beautiful Lake Joseph in a safe and inclusive environment. Activities are available for all ages and there are also events just for adults, youth and kids.

Dollars Seen Differently
The Dollars Seen Differently podcast breaks down financial topics to make them more accessible for people who are blind, Deafblind or have low vision. Hosted by Ryan Hooey, each episode features a down-to-earth conversation with financial experts, offering practical tips and resources on topics like accessing government benefits, smart saving strategies, managing debt, taxes, financial aid for education, and more.

Advocacy Resources
We have created these resources to support community members when engaging in advocacy in their local communities, whether as a formal CNIB Community Engagement Volunteer, a person living with sight loss, or an ally who wants to help bring about change.

Money Matters with the Wealthsimple Foundation
In this ongoing money series, CNIB National Youth Council Member, Danica Frappier, and Scheherazade Hasan from the Wealthsimple Foundation, examine banking fundamentals and accounts, financial support available to people pursuing post-secondary education in Canada, and more.

Blast from the Past
CNIB Lake Joe is pleased to offer unique opportunities for guests from near and far (in person and virtually) to explore the magic of CNIB Lake Joe for themselves. Take a look at the ways we've welcomed everyone in our "camp community" to explore CNIB Lake Joe and contribute to a cause that changes the lives of people with sight loss.

White Cane Legislation
Due to the tireless advocacy of people who are blind or partially sighted over the years, most provinces have formally recognized the cane as a symbol of sight loss. Learn more about the legislation where you live.

Paws en route
Paws en route is a full-service transportation company specializing in ground and air transportation for service dogs and pets, designed to ensure stress-free transport of pets and service animals, including ground and air travel.

Exclusive Member Benefits
Learn more about offers and discounts on products and services exclusively available to CNIB Connects members from our participating partners.

Guide Dog Champions
Guide dogs and their handlers are allowed access to any premises to which the public would normally have access. It’s the law. Show your support for guide dog teams in your community and become a Guide Dog Champion!

Know Your Rights Podcast
How do you feel when you're discriminated against because of your sight loss? Join us for a 9-part journey where Jacob Charendoff hosts informative conversations with people who have encountered discrimination and reaches out to lawyers and experts for their input. Know your rights and learn more about the legislation, resources and laws in Ontario that can help you challenge discrimination.

CNIB Lake Joe Staff & Volunteer Alumni
We invite all CNIB Lake Joe staff and volunteers – past and present – to join the CNIB Lake Joe Alumni. Since our doors opened in 1961, each of you has made a real difference in the lives of people impacted by sight loss. Help us continue this great work with your fellow camp colleagues and friends.

With the introduction e-scooter pilot projects becoming more common across the country, CNIB is concerned about how the deployment of e-scooters is impacting people who are blind or partially sighted.

Project or Casting Opportunities
Here you'll find a list of third-party opportunities with external groups, casting agencies and organizations. Be sure to check back often as this page is updated with new opportunities as they become available.

Why choose CNIB?
Find out what it’s like to work for CNIB and meet some of the guide dog team members.

Calls, Texts and Emails Series
Explore how to place a call, check a voicemail or send a text or email with your iPhone and its built-in screen reader. Learn to call, text and email on your iPhone in the series of workshops.

CNIB Unbound Podcast
The CNIB Unbound podcast is an audio experience that takes readers beyond the book itself.

Clearing Our Path
The CNIB Foundation developed the first edition of Clearing Our Path in 1998 to address the need for information on creating accessible environments for people who are blind.

Meet Cindy
Cindy Antle drove past CNIB on The Boulevard every evening on her way home from work for 13 years, before retiring as a registered nurse. She knew about the CNIB but never gave the charity much thought after passing it on her daily commute. This changed after she lost her sight.

Skateboards, Sight Loss and Speaking Out with Brett Devloo
Check out our podcast with Brett Devloo, a skateboarder and entrepreneur who makes YouTube videos, a clothing line and runs a non-profit!

CNIB SmartLife
Home to a myriad of accessible technologies and devices, CNIB SmartLife is an interactive retail and lifestyle experience like no other. CNIB SmartLife is committed to emboldening people with sight loss to lead independent, active lives and helping them gain access to life-changing technology.

Your nine-step business plan
Use the business model canvas to create your business plan.
Learn more by downloading our “nine-step business plan” resource, originally from alexandercowan.com.
Learn more by downloading our “nine-step business plan” resource, originally from alexandercowan.com.

National Board of Directors
CNIB is governed by a National Board of Directors. Learn more about our National Board.

Inclusive Schools Program
CNIB’s Inclusive Schools Program is designed to teach educators and students how to foster inclusion in the classroom for people who are blind or low vision. As part of the program, CNIB has developed free educational resources designed to increase an understanding of blindness, the importance of creating more accessible and inclusive schools, and how you can support people who are blind or partially sighted in your community. Request a presentation for your school and discover what’s possible when we support students to reach their full potential.
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2024/25 CNIB Scholarship Recipients
CNIB received many remarkable scholarship applications this year and awarded $197,750 in funding to 45 Canadians with sight loss in recognition of their educational and professional aspirations and achievements.

Strategic Leadership Council Ontario
Active in every province, CNIB Strategic Leadership Councils play a pivotal role in bringing The Way Forward to life in our communities. Together, we are fostering an understanding of blindness and dispelling misconceptions about people who are blind, partially sighted, or Deafblind; removing barriers to create safe, accessible door-to-door journeys for all; and giving parents and children the support they need to excel in and out of the classroom.

CNIB Early Years Digital Literacy Project
CNIB is currently seeking children (ages 2-6) who are blind or low vision to participate in an exciting new research project focused on building digital literacy skills and technology competencies. As a part of the project, participants will receive an iPad at no cost, which they can keep once the project concludes. Learn more about the project and how to get involved!

Champions for Change self-advocacy video series
This four-part video series is designed to provide people who are blind, partially sighted, or Deafblind with the knowledge and skills to effectively advocate in their communities. Whether you’re new to advocacy or a seasoned advocate, you’ll find tips for making a positive change for yourself and others.
Meet our CNIB Lake Joe Team
Our dedicated and experienced team share their gifts to make a difference in the lives of campers and ensure that participants have a fantastic experience at Lake Joe.

Let's Talk Money Series
The CNIB National Youth Council presents: Let’s Talk Money! In this 5-part series, our guest speakers break down complex topics related to personal finance. Join us as we dive into banking basics, registered disability savings plan, investing, provincial support programs, and first-time home buying!

Siri Series
Learn how to use your voice, and your iPhone's built-in assistant Siri, to make calls, send texts, set reminders, check the weather, and more. Check out how to get the most out of Siri in this series of workshops.

Meet Genevieve
Genevieve began volunteering with CNIB in April 2011, starting as a vision mate and event volunteer. Three years later she was asked to begin teaching a person with sight loss who wanted to improve their braille. She accepted and has been volunteering as a braille teacher ever since.

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (self driving cars)
Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to be life-changing for people who are blind or partially sighted. CAVs may allow someone living with sight loss to operate and travel independently by car for the first time, receive navigation information via apps as a pedestrian by using connected traffic infrastructure, and increase pedestrian safety when interacting with vehicles.

How Blogging Turned Ashley Nemeth into an Entrepreneur
What happened when a cyclist hit Ashley Nemeth's guide dog? She blogged about it. She has over 4,000 followers on her blog about living with sight loss. Read her story for more!

Gift of Securities
By donating securities, you can feel good knowing you are helping the CNIB Foundation enable Canadians impacted by blindness to live the lives they choose for years to come.

CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award
The CNIB National Youth Council Leadership Award recognizes and celebrates youth who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision that are reaching above and beyond to make a difference in their community, province, or country.

Corporate Gift
Making a corporate gift is not only a powerful way to support Canadians who are blind or partially sighted, it also has tax benefits.

Making a Cashflow Statement
Learn how to make a simple cashflow statement based on Futurpreneur's template. Futurpreneur gives loans to Canadian startups. Use the template to model your monthly finances over the next 12 to 24 months.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) is a common condition among people with significant sight loss.

Leading the Future
Through their “Stronger Together” partnership, CNIB is proud to work cooperatively with its partner organizations, Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC) and CNIB Deafblind Community Services (DBCS), as we band together to level the playing field for Canadians who are blind, partially sighted, and Deafblind.

CNIB SmartLife
CNIB SmartLife is Canada’s largest retailer of assistive products for people with sight loss, serving over 20,000 people a year. The social enterprise is committed to emboldening people with sight loss to lead independent, active lives, and helping them gain access to life-changing technology.

Share your accessibility feedback
CNIB Connects members have the opportunity to share feedback about their accessible and inaccessible customer experiences, whether in store or online, with CNIB Connects partners.

Everything you need to know to get ready for camp
This page is dedicated to everything you need to know as you get ready for your stay at CNIB Lake Joe: sample camp schedules (daily and weekly), packing lists, site maps, photo galleries and videos, and more!

Web Browsing Series
Learn how to browse and search the web and bookmark frequently visited websites. These workshops use Safari browser and the VoiceOver screen reader built in to iPhones/iPads. Learn more in the series of workshops.

CNIB Lake Joe - Meet Joshua
The moment Joshua Cook arrived at CNIB Lake Joe, he knew it was the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong bond.

Meet Michael
Michael Warren provides administrative support at the Toronto Community Hub. Always with a smile on his face, he's often the first point of contact for visitors. He says he felt like he was part of something from the beginning.

Joshua Simmonds: Passion and Purpose
Joshua Simmonds is a clinical psychologist in Montreal. For him, sight loss is an asset in business. Read about his journey and advice.

Creating Your Social Media Presence
Social media is a popular tool for marketing and reaching customers.
Accessibility can be tricky with some sites, and you might wonder how to use them properly to gain customers. Learn how to use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for business.
Accessibility can be tricky with some sites, and you might wonder how to use them properly to gain customers. Learn how to use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for business.

Build your legacy by creating an endowment, invested funds where the accrued interest goes toward funding life-changing programs in perpetuity.

Gift in Kind
Making a gift in kind, including donations of your company’s products or services, can be a cost-effective opportunity that transforms lives.

Travel tips for people who are blind or have low vision
Planning a vacation and travelling can seem daunting and overwhelming, but with the right amount of planning and preparation, it doesn't have to be! Are We There Yet? – The Ultimate Guide for Travellers Series examines everything you need to consider when planning your next adventure!

Reconciliation – The Way Forward
At CNIB, we are committed to changing what it is to be blind for Indigenous Peoples through collaboration and engagement with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities across the country.

FAQ: CNIB Scholarships and Bursaries
Have questions about applying for a CNIB Scholarship or Bursary? We’re here to answer them! Browse our FAQ.

Writing Series
Learn how to use writing tools on your iPhone or iPad: type, use the notes app, edit text, and use the dictation speech-to-text feature. These videos use iPhone's built-in screen reader. Explore the writing tools series of workshops.

Braille activities for sighted children
A series of four mini-lessons to help you introduce braille to sighted children.

About Accessible Media Inc.
AMI is a not-for-profit media company that entertains, informs and empowers Canadians who are blind or partially sighted.

Meet Ales
Ales Janosik had never known someone who is blind, but now he can’t imagine life without his good friend, Roger. Since 2014, Ales has been a Vision Mate volunteer to Roger – a Charlottetown man who is blind.

Choosing the Legal Structure of Your Business
Do you want to own a business by yourself? With a partner or many shareholders? Find out your options for structuring your business and who gets the profits.
Business in Bloom: Marie Claire Bilyk
When Marie Claire received a business grant from Goodwill, she became determined to grow and succeed. Find out how she started Blossom Fitness and rose above the competition.

Fundraise or Volunteer
Fundraising or volunteering for an issue you care about is a great way to bring your team together, while providing life-changing support to people in your community impacted by blindness.

Gift of property
A gift of property minimizes your estate's taxes while maximizing your ability to change the lives of future generations of people impacted by blindness.

Guide dog etiquette
Guide dogs aren’t pets. They’re partners in mobility for people who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision. By learning and following proper etiquette, you can help make your community more welcoming for guide dog teams.

Donor FAQs
If you have questions about making a donation to the CNIB Foundation, we have the answers.

Seeing AI App Series
"Seeing AI" is a free app for iPhones/iPads that audibly describes what’s in front of the camera. Learn how to use it to read text, identify money, colours, pictures and more in the series of workshops.

As a trusted member of our advocacy community, Equalize aims to update you on CNIB’s advocacy campaigns, initiatives and programs from coast to coast to coast. We’ll highlight some of our work, profile local advocates, discuss regional and national advocacy issues, and more!

Ontario Parents of Visually Impaired Children (OPVIC)
OPVIC (formally VIEWS) is a volunteer organization of parents of visually impaired children/youth focused on empowering families and advocating for our kids in Ontario. OPVIC is a friendly and supportive organization of parents, family members and guardians of children with any amount of vision loss.

Government & Consumer Services Handbook – Ontario
Know your legal rights related to government and consumer services.

Our Accountability
We’re committed to handling all feedback with care and to resolving issues in a timely, respectful and fair way.

Meet Bob
Because of the help he received from peer group, Bob no longer puts limits on what he can or can’t do and he hopes the group is doing the same for others with vision loss. “Thanks to them I have more confidence when I leave my home and the world is not such a scary place anymore. I want others that are struggling with vision loss to know it gets better.”

The Elements of a Contract
Check out this beginner's guide to writing business contracts and when you'll need them.
Meet Innovator Hillary Scanlon
Hillary Scanlon is developing tactile indicators to make waste disposal more accessible.

Charitable remainder trust
For those 75 and up, donating a charitable remainder trust can create a lasting legacy of giving, while providing an immediate tax benefit.

Self-Advocacy & Essential Legal Information Handbook – Ontario
Know your legal rights related to self-advocacy and essential legal information.

Nailing the Pitch: Preparing
You've crunched the numbers and done the research, and now you need investors to help you grow your business. How will you get them on board? Pitching can be intimidating, but with these tips, you'll be ready for success.
Here, we break down the pitching process from planning to presenting.
Here, we break down the pitching process from planning to presenting.

Meet Neena Avery
Neena Avery loves painting and crafting, but she used to give away her wares. Then, she decided to sell them on Etsy and have her own business.

Meet Shruti
“My primary job was to train volunteers on how to interact with, and what to expect from their blind and partially sighted “mates”. Through sharing my own story and experiences I was able to help put them at ease with regards to their vision mate role.”

Guide Dog Assistance Fund
Find out about financial assistance for extraordinary veterinary expenses. This fund is available to guide dog handlers from any guide dog school.
Guide Dog Programs in Canada
CNIB Guide Dogs recommends keeping your options open by applying to multiple guide dog programs. Here’s a list of other programs in Canada for your consideration.

Best Face Forward: How sisters Emilee and Hannah Schevers are creating community for people with disabilities
Emilee and Hannah Schevers know the importance of feeling included. That's why they created Tru Faces, an online community for people with disabilities and other identified differences to share their experiences. Read the story of these two teenage sisters and their mission to build a more open world.

Nailing the Pitch: Presenting
If you've read how to prepare for your sales pitch, here are some tips on presenting it.
Meet DJ Shane Cashin
Shane Cashin is a DJ who is partially sighted. He runs a successful business in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Meet Dorothy
Dorothy raises funds that make new programs possible!
Dining and Wine-ing in the Dark, Night Steps to Bakesales! “If I can help raise funds and raise awareness of how CNIB has helped me and can help others, it is worthwhile”
Dining and Wine-ing in the Dark, Night Steps to Bakesales! “If I can help raise funds and raise awareness of how CNIB has helped me and can help others, it is worthwhile”

Robert Fenton KC, Chair, Board of Directors
Robert Fenton KC is an esteemed member of Canada’s legal community, currently holding the role of Director of Legal Services for the Calgary Police Service. His three-decade legal career is marked with many highlights, including acting as legal counsel for Team Canada during the 2018 Winter Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

10 Tips for Building Your Website
Not sure where to start with creating your website? Read these tips from digital marketing expert Trista DeVries on building a great site for your business.

Where Talk Meets Tech: Nelson Régo
Nelson Régo wasn't a tech guy. That is, until he lost his sight and decided to take over a website on technology. Now he owns Cool Blind Tech and makes podcasts. Read his story to find out how he got here.

Meet Carol
Vision Mates like Carol directly help individuals in their community!
Barely a month into my new role, I can’t imagine post-employment life without Verna and Buster.
Barely a month into my new role, I can’t imagine post-employment life without Verna and Buster.

Gifts of RRSP, RRIF, or TFSA
Enjoy your savings and build a meaningful legacy so the CNIB Foundation can continue to enable Canadians impacted by blindness to live the lives they choose in years to come.

Shayden's Star Shines Bright
Shayden, who was born blind, has the support he needs for a bright future.

International Affairs
We are an active participant on the international stage, working with government and other non-profit organizations and to share expertise and professional resources with people experiencing sight loss.

The Power of Voice: Speebly Founder Chris Maley
Chris Maley was always passionate about voice technology, so he decided to create his own voice assistant. Read about his new startup and journey as an entrepreneur.

10 Tech Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs
You need a good set of tools to make your business run smoothly. From smartphone apps to digital devices, these 10 things can help you get organized and ready for success.

Guide Dog Gazette
Want to know what's happening with CNIB Guide Dogs? Find out with the Guide Dog Gazette. Check out past issues and sign up to have the Gazette delivered right to your inbox!

Rise business and loan program
Check out these small business and loan programs offered through Rise Asset Development!

10 Things to Consider When Branding Your Business
Wondering how to create your personal brand? Use this checklist for info to help you create a logo, social media accounts, and more.

Venture Zone Podcast
Check out CNIB's Venture Zone podcast! We profile dynamic self-starters who are blind or partially sighted. Listen to their stories and get inspired.

Meet Alexa
I’m a recent graduate of the University of Windsor’s biological sciences and psychology program. It’s been seven months since I started volunteering and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my experience and the relationship we’ve developed. For more of Alex's story

Financial Statements
Get information on our funding practices and how your donation makes a difference.

Diversity & Inclusion: We are CNIB
The communities we serve are diverse and rich in culture and history. There are many factors that overlap with one’s sight loss journey. How these factors work together to form a person’s lived experience is essential in shaping their identity. Here, we will explore the many faces and facets of intersectionality with being blind, partially sighted or Deafblind.

Meet Charlene
Giving Back – Charlene Young's Story
For Charlene Young giving back is more than just a passion, it has given her life more meaning.
For Charlene Young giving back is more than just a passion, it has given her life more meaning.

Have you seen us in your neighbourhood?
Yes, we are fundraising! CNIB has partnered with fundraising organization Globalfaces Direct, TNI and Public Outreach to fundraise safely for monthly donations in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and other regions across Canada.

Becoming an Independent Author
If you want to self-publish your writing, here's a how-to from writing to publishing and marketing. Also check out our list of writer's grants and discover how two writers with sight loss published their stories.

Meet Veronika
Group facilitators like Veronika change lives!
"It helped me make sense and find a purpose for my pain by knowing I was able to help others going through the same experience”
"It helped me make sense and find a purpose for my pain by knowing I was able to help others going through the same experience”

Travis's Battle
At two years old, an E.coli infection almost took Travis's life and stole his sight.

Unified English Braille (UEB) Transcription Course
This intensive course leads to certification in UEB, qualifying you to transcribe English print materials into contracted braille.

Mobile Hub
Meet the CNIB Mobile Hub – a new program delivery model where we visit your community to deliver in-person programming at no cost to you.