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Puppy Pointers: Preparing your puppy for fireworks

By Taylor Pimento, Apprentice Puppy Raising Supervisor, CNIB Guide Dogs

Did you know that more dogs go missing during fireworks displays than any other time of year? The loud booming, crackling, and hissing as the fireworks burst in the air can be very stressful and frightening for puppies, and they may panic and run away from their owners as a natural flight response. 

You can help your puppy stay calm and safe during fireworks by preparing your puppy ahead of time and taking precautionary measures.

To prepare your puppy, start desensitizing your puppy to sudden loud noises and firework sounds. Desensitization is the gradual process of exposing your puppy to the scary thing very slowly and ensuring your puppy is comfortable at each stage before taking the exposure to the next level. 

 A dog hiding under a blanket on the floor peeks his nose and paws out from underneath.In this case, you can introduce your puppy to sudden noises by lightly tapping a metal pot with a spoon or playing audio clips of firework displays at a low volume (YouTube is a great resource for firework sounds). Do this while the puppy is eating, chewing a favourite bone, training, or having playtime in the house or yard. The key is to pair these sounds with something the puppy loves, so the puppy creates a positive association and reaction to these sounds. You can also play and make these sounds while the puppy is sleeping, so it becomes a part of regular background noise to them.  

Once your puppy becomes comfortable with the sound at low volume, increase the volume in gradual stages. Some puppies are more sensitive to sounds than others; if your puppy show signs of being scared or startled by the noise, take it a step back and build your puppy’s confidence at a slower pace – it is not a race. The goal is to have a happy puppy who brushes off those loud, sudden noises. 

Even with lots of preparation, it is difficult to replicate the intensity of fireworks, and it is best to take precautionary measures to keep your puppy safe. Here are some tips to keep in mind on the day of a fireworks display: 

  • Stay home: A fireworks show may seem like a great socialization experience, but it can be sensory overload for a puppy’s sensitive hearing. The puppy will be much happier and safer at home. 
  • Play it safe: Your puppy might get spooked and try to run away, so keep your puppy indoors, or on-leash outdoors, even if in a secured area. 
  • Make it fun: Give your puppy their favourite chew toy, engage in playtime, or work on some obedience cues with lots of food rewards to distract from the fireworks.  
  • Offer reassurance: If your puppy is scared, it is okay to give a little cuddle. Find a quieter place where you can distract the puppy with something the dog enjoys. 
  • Identification with up-to-date information: make sure your puppy is wearing a collar with identification tags and check that your contact information is up to date. Proper identification is key if your puppy is missing.