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Introducing CNIB Brighter Gifts

What is CNIB Brighter Gifts

Are you looking for a unique gift idea for your friends and family? Look no further than a CNIB Brighter Gift!

CNIB Brighter Gifts are heartfelt, meaningful gifts you can give to the people you care about to honour a birthday, celebrate a special occasion or just because! Browse the digital catalogue full of real items and tools that support CNIB’s mission to change what it means to be blind and tear down barriers to inclusion. Choose any gift and you will be making a donation of the same value to support vital programs that empower Canadians with sight loss to live the lives they choose.

A future CNIB Guide Dog, golden retriever puppy staring at the camera on a warm day
Buy gifts like harnesses, vests, and leashes for future CNIB Guide Dogs!

How it Works

1. Choose a gift
Every Brighter Gift represents real items and tools used by CNIB to ensure Canadians with sight loss have opportunities to live, work and play without barriers. Purchase a gift and you’ll be making a donation of the same value to support our work.

2. Choose an eCard
Choose to send a personalized eCard to your gift recipient.

3. Deliver freedom and independence
A donation of equal value to the gift you choose will go to help CNIB transform the lives of Canadians with sight loss.

Visit cnib.ca/BrighterGifts to learn more about how you can help deliver freedom and independence to Canadians with sight loss.