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Education and literacy - Open book with braille icon


CNIB's "Learn" programs focus on education, skills training, and literacy to empower you to achieve your goals by fostering social skills and independence.

a father and son smiling and building lego.

Children and Youth Programs

Growing up with sight loss can bring practical, emotional, and social challenges. Learn how our children and youth programs can help with navigating these developmental stages.
Alicia smiles and sits outdoors on a large rock. Behind her are trees. She is wearing a summer floral dress. Her white cane rests on the rock to the right of her.

CNIB National Youth Council

The CNIB National Youth Council is a voice for youth with sight loss in the CNIB Foundation.
a hand reading braille

Braille and Literacy

This section explains the relevance, usage and importance of braille for people with sight loss and braille services and programs available for CNIB participants.
An illustration of a pink piggy bank wearing a black graduation cap. A diploma sits at the foot of the piggy bank.

Scholarships and Awards

We want to help you achieve your educational ambitions. Learn how CNIB scholarships, bursaries and other awards can help support you!