CNIB Lake Joe is thrilled to introduce Bree Leblanc, our new Camp Program Manager. With her vibrant personality, love of puns, and a passion for camp, Bree is already making a positive impact on our community.
Originally from Barrie Ontario, Bree has a degree in communications and a diploma in recreational services. Her extensive background includes developing and managing municipal day camp programs for children, supervising programs for youth for a cruise line, and coordinating academic travel programs for international students. Having worked with both High Five and Ontario Camps Association accredited programs, alongside of attending camp as a camper in her younger days, she is excited to continue delivering experiences that meet the high standards of program operations that Lake Joe is known for.

Beyond her professional skills, Bree is known to campers and councillors for her love of dessert pizza and enthusiasm for bringing fun to camp life, not to mention her overall love of CNIB Lake Joe and its community.
“I'm very excited to meet everyone and work with our team to bring Lake Joe programs to life for our campers and participants,” says Bree. “While the season has only begun, I’ve already had a taste of how incredible it is to connect with our community, and things are only going to get bigger and better from here. Everyone has been so welcoming!”
This year Bree and the camp councillors worked together to add another layer of fun to arrival days. Guests will now be greeted with themed arrival days and/or parties. So far guests have been greeted with mocktails to replicate an all-inclusive vacation, and upcoming is a glow-in-the-dark beach party. The thought and effort put into the numerous events this year at Lake Joe truly symbolizes Bree’s drive to make people smile. Bree explained, “I'm excited to be along for the ride; to learn and put my sparkle on things.”
Bree shares her excitement about her position at CNIB and how it perfectly aligns with her drive and motivation for enhanced accessibility. She also loves exercising her creativity, especially at the pottery wheel.
“One of my goals is to make a better mug than I made at the beginning of this season,” Bree laughs.
However, she is grateful how inclusive and accepting the camp environment has been, inspiring self-improvement and growth.
As you enjoy your time at Lake Joe this year, be sure to say hello to Bree; that is, if you can catch her between boating excursions, pottery sessions and indulgences in dessert pizza!