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Danika hugging a Lab/Golden Retriever cross in a yellow harness.

Danika & Ulysses

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When Danika Blackstock met her guide dog, Ulysses, she knew CNIB Guide Dogs made the perfect match.

The University of Waterloo student needed a guide dog that would excel at navigating a busy campus and be ready to sleep during lectures. 

"He likes a challenge, and he likes people. He loves weaving in and out of crowds, and he's speedy," says Danika.

Shortly after being matched, Danika and Ulysses bonded.

"I can always tell what he's thinking – he's always processing situations. He's very analytical," says Danika. 

She praises CNIB Guide Dogs for its person-centric approach – it's flexible and convenient. When she couldn't attend the entire three-week training session in Ottawa, a guide dog mobility instructor came to her home.

"Having the trainer see us in our everyday environment was super helpful," says Danika. "My trainer even came into my classroom to see how he could support us. If I have any issues, I can call or text the team, and they answer me as quickly as possible." 

Danika is thankful for all the support she's received.

"It's important for me to thank his sponsor and puppy raisers," says Danika. "Working a dog gives you a sense of freedom and independence. I feel so much more confident working him because I know he will get me anywhere I need to go safely."